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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Faith needs an alternative

      When I was younger, I used to hold to the Apparent-Age-Theory that when God created the Universe it had a pre-designed-age built into it that would make it appear to be older than it is.   I don't hold to this idea anymore because I see it goes against God's nature to not lie or deceive.   The Apparent-Age-Theory says God created the universe to "look old" but that is like me taking a new piece of furniture, denting it, scratching it, putting on old varnish and selling it as being an "antique" when it really isn't at all.  It's forgery.  Same would be for the Apparent-Age-Theory only on a much grander scale.

      Could God create the universe in 6 days? Yes.   Absolutely!   But God, knowing we would later create telescopes to probe the depths of space, would know we would look out and see the farthest stars are only 10,000 light-years away!   He knew we would find ways to tell the age of rocks and see that they are only 10,000 years old or less.  He knew we would dig the earth in our efforts to find fossils of ancient creatures only to find nothing older than 10,000 years.  Everything would point to a very very young universe and that there would be no other answer to HOW we got here than for us to BELIEVE there is a God.    There would be no alternative for him ponder or choose.   We would HAVE to be believe.

     That, of course, would make our jobs as God's children/disciples a lot easier wouldn't it!  We would have science on our side.  We could just point to hundreds of articles showing how there is no other answer and that God is very real and the Bible is 100% correct.   Maybe that is what we want, but no matter how we look at it today we will always be at odds with the "alternative".

    Why would God do it this way?

     Because he wants us to seek him out in FAITH.... NOT FACTS!

     As Paul says, "The righteous shall live by FAITH!"

     Paul talks about how God in his wisdom has nullified the wisdom of the wise. He has essentially made it futile for them to know him through their own thinking.   Yet we keep trying to prove the scientists wrong even though God already has sent them away empty. 

     Going back to idea of if God had made the universe in 6 days, 10,000 years ago, we could then conclude that the wise and learned would actually have a leg-up on the rest of humanity in their search for God.  Their knowledge would make them more able to find God. The could proudly write long dissertations on how certain they are that God exists and how anyone who looks at the data could not think any other way.   But God doesn't want the proud.  He wants the meek.  He wants the simple and the needy.  Jesus says, "Unless you enter the Kingdom of God like that of a little child you shall never enter it!"

     In order to "nullify the wisdom of the wise", there has to be an alternative for them to believe in.  Of course no matter how well drawn up this "alternative" is,  it will always run into a wall with a sign that reads "Where did it all start?".   For example, the Big Bang was thought to be "the start", but then people asked "Where did the singularity come from?" and so they scientists have developed String-Theory to explain the singularity, but then the question becomes, "Where did the multi-dimensional strings come from?"  and so on....  Science cannot think itself to God and it cannot (if it's truly honest)  think itself away from God either.  In the end, it's never "I CAN'T BELIEVE!" , it's always "I WON'T BELIEVE!".   It always comes back to faith.

    As Christians, we often wish there wasn't an alternative. God calls us to trust him and know his love for us.  We want to be liked by the world and our faith always puts us at odds.  But that is how it has to be.   Jesus said that we cannot be friends with God and friends with the world.  If they called Jesus, "The Lord of the Flies" (Beelzebub) how much more will they call us. 

   We are called to be loving and faithful as Christ was towards us.    We cannot think our way to God and so we should not be scared of science or it's findings.  The "alternative" is a false path and has no hope in the end.   Jesus said, "When the Son of Man returns, will he find FAITH on the earth?"   The answer to that question seems to be baked into the question.  The answer is : NO.  All of these "findings" serve God's design to bring this about.   As we become more and more "intelligent" we will become less and less "faithful".   Man will become the "god of his own making", in essence his own ideal view of what he thinks God should be.

    This is not to say Christians should not be in the science fields or that we should ignore science.  We just need to stop looking for science to back up our faith or to be in place of our faith.  God doesn't need to be "proved" and neither do we need it either. 

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