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Thursday, June 28, 2012

What is written on the backside of the Constitution?

If you remember the Disney movie "National Treasure" the main character convinces others that there is a secret code written on the backside of the Declaration of Independence left there by the founding fathers to provide directions to a hidden treasure.  After watching our Government in action this past month I think we need to have some historians do some research to look into what is written on the backside of the Constitution to see if there are some extra Federal Powers written on the back that we were not aware of because lately they seem to be finding more and more powers.

First the President finds that he has the power to IGNORE previous past laws because he doesn't find them to be fair to a certain group of people.  This new power gives him unlimited ability to reach back in time and VETO/CHANGE previously signed laws. This must be meant to save time going back through Congress to modify laws already on the books. (This must be the Executive  Non-Compliance Clause )

Second the President finds he has the power to stop all inquiry by Congress into his administration by summoning the power of Executive Privilege.  Even though this power is supposed to ONLY be for discussions between he and his cabinet, he has now exerted it to be a power around his entire administration. (This must be the Executive Act With Impunity Clause ).  Its too bad Richard Nixon didn't have knowledge of this clause, he could have finished out his second term.

Third, the Supreme Court found that it has the power to edit or re-write laws to make them Constitutional rather than reject them and send them back to Congress to be fixed.  This was done in ObamaCare today to change the wording of the law such that the word PENALTY is replaced with TAX. ( This must be the  Supreme Courts: Search-and-Replace Edit Clause )

Finally the Supreme Court said that Congress can penalize people in the form of taxes for inactivity or any activity they want to encourage, but that if such taxation becomes out of control, the Supreme Court will step in and put a stop to it.  So it will be the finally arbiter of whether we are over burden with taxes.  (Is that under the Supreme Taxes Burden Us Clause ?)

We need to call our Congressmen and tell them we need this investigated immediately. Our nations livelihood is at stake as there may be even MORE powers than we are aware of and have not taken advantage of yet.

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