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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Nobody vs Somebody

There is a simple story I once heard and I believe it's an illustration of the problem with communism and why it always fails.

This is a little story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.
There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.
Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job.
Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done

So it goes with communism, as both of these systems transfer the ownership of our societies problems on to invisible and unidentifiable bureaucrats.  How often do were hear people lament when some atrocity occurs that could have been prevented if "somebody" had just acted sooner.  Of course those in government are all too eager to swoop in and "save the day" with some new reform, law or regulation.   Then "everybody" can all go back to sleep, confident that "somebody" is watching out for us and "nobody" will get hurt again.   But we know this is not true.

People who live under communism think they are laying all of their concerns at the feet "somebody" when in fact it ends up being done by "nobody".   "Somebody" will provide the jobs.  "Somebody" will share their wealth and property.  "Somebody" will pay all the taxes.   "Somebody" will feed us, educate us, clean us, drive us, protect us ....and the list goes on.  Recently on Hannity, Sean asked an Occupy Wall Street leader to come on and debate the issues and make an intelligible argument for their cause.  During the interview Sean asked him if education should be "free" and the answer was a resounding YES.  Should daycare and childcare be free and again a resounding YES was declared.  Should housing and healthcare be free and like a person attending a baptist revival the answer was YES YES!   All of our basic human needs should be supplied by the government for free.

But who will pay for all these free stuff?    

The answer is somebody has to pay for it.  Somebody in the central government should be the head over these things and see to it that all of us are taken care of.   But in the end nobody will do it and nobody will be held accountable.

Capitalism, on the other hand, allows all of us to look out for each other.  A capitalist competes to make their part of the world better at a lower cost (greed can be good!).   For example, say we have 2 schools providing K-8 education to a community.  Capitalism would cause these 2 schools to compete against each other in the area academics (not just football and basketball) to provide the BEST education at the lower cost to the parent.  In this system EVERYONE wins.  The parents save money, the child gets a better education and the capitalist makes money. 

Capitalism also allows all of us to be societies "watchmen".  Which would you rather have?  A handful of "smart people" trying to figure out a problem for "the masses" or a large number of people all looking at the problem and coming up with a thousand different experiments to see what works better?  Under communism, a handful of people who are unaccountable dictate "fixes" that seem correct to them and if they don't work they have no concern or worry since NOBODY can argue with them or fire them.   In contrast, Capitalism allows EVERYONE to be involved and searching for ways to improve our society.    SOMEONE may be afraid of burglars and so SOMEONE came up with the idea of home-security-alarms.  SOMEONE (elderly people) may be afraid to live on their own so SOMEONE came up with a way for them to get help if they ever need it by pressing a button on a pendent.   

Capitalism can be summed up this way:

Somebody had a need for something and was willing to purchase it and so somebody else provided it in order to become rich.

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