At the heart of all these movies is our world being taken over by a entity that has the ability to "process and reason" but has no moral compass or ethics to guide it. It does not understand why killing humans is "wrong", only that it is programmed to do so. It has no feeling of remorse and sees no reasons why its actions should be stopped.
My concern today is not that this COULD happen, but that it already H AS happened and is going on today in our country. For when humans stop questioning the rules they enforce then in a small way they have become the robots/machines feared in these movies. Many cases we have seen from the past show us that it can happen. When the Nazi's exterminated the Jews from Europe, we saw mindless-men-bots doing atrocious things without questioning the morality of it. When the communists took over Russia, people were murdered in the streets, put into gulags, starved to death by taking away their food and much more.
Of course not!
We expect that those entrusted with enforcing the law will also take "circumstances" into account and not just "the letter of the law". But sadly, decades of "moral relativism" and "zero-tolerance schools" has left us with a society with a broken moral compass. We now have a police state now where no one questions the authority above them and their only thought is to act and do. Where hoards of men-bots (and fem-bots) roam the halls of places like the NSA listening into our conversations, our emails and yes... even our blogs searching of "key words" like : terrorism, bomb-plot, takeover and the like. All that matters is that a "hit" was made by a search algorithm running on a computer and so that person gets added to the list.
Lois Lerner |
Remember this:
The hero in all of these movies is not that one who goes along with "the crowd" but instead it is those who rise up against and dare to challenge the system they are commanded to follow.