This blog is directed at those "low-level IRS employees" who put people who belong to the Tea Party through a virtual hell. The question for you is, "What were you thinking?". Doesn't anyone use the Golden Rule anymore and....
Do unto others as YOU would have THEM do unto YOU?
I can just imagine the snickers and belly-laughs that must have had the workers in the IRS rolling on the floor as they made request upon request from these people. In one case, the group had a book-club and the IRS requested them to list ALL the books they had reviewed and .... wait for this.... write a book report covering all of them.
That was a serious request made by the IRS?
We have crossed a line somewhere in our country. Politics now runs everything we do and say today and we see each other as democrat or republican and not as "American". You are either friend or foe to this administration and that dissection has made its way down to us ... we the people. I feel very sad not only for the Tea Party people who endured this oppression but also for those who inflicted it upon them for they too are casualties of this silent (and sometimes not too silent) war that has captivated our country. So fixated on political ideology, they have lost sight of the fact that we are ALL Americans. When we stop seeing others as humans who deserve honor and respect we become no better than the Nazi concentration camp guards who viewed the Jews as dogs that had over-populated and needed extermination. You may even call it a "Political Apartheid" where instead of it being black-vs-white it's red-vs-blue and each side keeps score on the other and anything "we" do (whoever "we" is) to the other is fine because it's payback for some offense done years ago. I witness this all the time on the talk shows where for every problem Obama does, some past sin by Bush (or Nixon) is drummed up and spit back at the person making the point.
Nelson Mandela |
Imagine if we brought the Tea Party leaders into the same room as the "low-level-IRS agents" and what that would do. Both sides would see a "face" and a "person" instead of a mindless "5013c form" or "response letter". Maybe reconciliation will occur. Maybe we would start to see each other again as "WE THE PEOPLE" and put aside our political views that so infect our lives.
Maybe then we again live by the Golden Rule to do unto others as we would have them do unto us.
Maybe then our soul would begin to heal.
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