Our country is falling behind other countries in educating its children despite our teachers, books and classrooms being second to none. On a recent list of industrialized nations, the US placed 19th and 20th respectively in math and science scores. Many people point to external issues like poverty, drug abuse, single-parent-homes as the culprits. And, yes, while these are indeed factors plaguing many of our children, I don't believe that they are that much worse in other countries as well. I have to believe that their kids have the same amount of problems as our kids and that drugs are not an American-only problem.
The problem is QUANTITY.... not QUALITY
I find it interesting ( and frustrating ) that the same people who often point to the fact that we are falling behind in education when compared to "other countries" never want to point out what these "other countries" might be doing better than we are doing. Instead, it's always about poverty, drugs, family issues or attracting better, more qualified teachers with higher pay (despite the fact our teachers are paid much better than other countries already when you consider their hourly wage). They are always focusing on the quality of our education and never the quantity of it. Frankly, I believe that 80% (no data here.. just my experience with my kids teachers) are good and decent teachers who work hard. I think our schools provide decent books and materials to teach with as well. Yes of course these areas must always be considered and improved (like a knife that gets dull with use must be sharpened every now and then), but these areas are by far not the biggest hindrance to improving our kids education.
Let's compare us to the schools in Germany for instance.
Translated it means that for every 2 years a kid goes to school in Germany our kids would have to go 3 years to get the same amount of education (also note, Germany is not sending their kids to school the most out all developed nations. That award goes to China with its astounding 260 days per year attendance. See below for ranked listing of countries and days of school they expect.
No matter how good you think your kid's school or teachers are, NOTHING can make up for a 46% difference. Also, until you do fix this issue, all your other fixes will have little or no impact or as we put it in business -- Return On Investment. Changing books, curriculum, computers will show no improvement because this problem is your biggest detractor. In my company we refer to this as being "the biggest pole in the tent" which in effect means you can shorten all the other poles in the tent. But from the outside, the tent is still going to be unchanged because the "longest pole" is still holding everything up.
So how can we fix this?
1- Reduce Summer Vacation (and go to year-round school)
While many countries still offer a form of "summer vacation" ours is by far the most generous (example: Great Britain has a break from mid-July to the end of August) and gives our children 2-3 months (10-12 weeks off). This was originally needed when our country was centered on agriculture and children were a needed resource on the farm during the summer. But now, even in rural America children are needed less in the fields due to advancements in farm machinery and this ancient-leftover can be done away with. And this isn't the only reason to do reduce summer vacation either. Now with youth unemployment at over 50% in the summer (because we out-price them with minimum-wage-laws) youth crime sky-rockets in the summer because many youth have nothing to do and no parents at home to provide guidance during the day and had they been in school longer they would be less likely to get into trouble. A third reason for going to a year-round school is that it would remove the wasted time spent by teachers at the beginning of every school year going over old material to refresh the students minds who have forgotten much of what was taught the prior year. Like a fly-wheel that is used to keep an engine running smoothly so also a year-round-school will keep our children's minds going on an even keel rather than the constant starting and stopping we put them through today.
2 - Lengthen the school day
Like mentioned already, we are running a time deficit of 46% every school day to our German counterparts. Doing the math, 6 hours x 46% equals 3 hours. We could make up the difference therefore by extending the school day 3 hours each day. This would allow teachers to keep their coveted summer vacation benefit and help education. But it would also most likely impact after school activities like sports, music and drama which fill the 3-6 time-slot currently. Many parents and students will undoubtedly scream at the thought of losing this time even though many parents at the same time cry for better education (go figure). Also students who want to work after school to earn money will be unable to as well.
3 - Flipping the classroom

Sounds like a great idea?
Before I go on, let me first say I like KA. I would have loved it as a kid and probably would have gotten further in school at a faster rate. It's a great concept. Students can replay lecture after lecture until they understand the concepts (something teachers HATE to do in the classroom and most students are unwilling to request them to do as its easier to stay quiet and pretend you understand what is being said).
So what's wrong with it?
First of all it's a covert attempt to make up the lost 4 hours each day by putting the work on the students and not on the teachers. Second it releases the teachers from their first job requirement: educating students. If KA is doing all the lecturing (and therefore all the educating) then what are we paying teachers to do? Are we paying them to sit behind their desks and monitor kids progress on computer screens all day and only get involved when their is a "problem"? The question comes to my mind is: What in heck am I paying you so much money to do then? Could KA be outfitted with some artificial intelligence capabilities and a voice recognition application like SIRI to do that job as well?
So schools using KA will be paying their teachers the same amount to do less work, while you kids will be doing more work at home (in fact, your home is now the REAL classroom). Also, the lectures will be one-size-fits-all with rubber-stamp tests not meant to teach your children how to think, but what to think. School is not just about sucking in information and regurgitating it out at a later time. School is about learning how to think for yourself and to question (in ancient Greece, for example, students learned by asking questions of their teacher).
A note to teachers: You are witnessing the same consequences the workers in the auto-industry experienced over the past 30 or so years. You are slowly and systematically being replaced with cheaper and more reliable workers (namely computers) because of your unions unwillingness to make changes such as lengthening the school day or the the school year. Eventually, KA will be able to tailor their curriculum to different learning "types" (thus reducing the occurrence of the need for additional "human intervention") and may also be able to answer kids questions automatically. In my opinion, you are pricing yourselves out of a job.
One thing not brought up in the "60 Minutes" article however (I am sure it was a simple over-sight) was that if your child can be taught complex subjects like math, science, history, economics, chemistry etc over a computer at home.. why send your kids to school at all? Often the excuse for not home-schooling is "I don't think I can teach complex subjects", but now with KA, that excuse no longer applies. After all if it's good enough for schools to use... it should be good enough at home too? (and as an added benefit your kids will get more than 180 days a year of education to boot)
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