To the left, we are just stupid sheep that are too stupid to live our own lives. To them ObamaCare is so beneficial for us that they must use lies and deceit to get their way. This of course is not the first time they have done this. It is the same method they used to get Social Security passed through Congress in the 1930's. On record, they passed it as a government "insurance" plan (That is why your paycheck says FICA .. Federal Insurance Contributions Act) but when Congress wanted to use this money for other social welfare programs it was brought to the Supreme Court. It was there in front of the court that they confessed that they only used the word "insurance" to sell it to the American people and that really it was a tax to be used for any purpose they sought fit in keeping with the "general welfare" clause of the Constitution. But the arguments didn't end there either. Even today this bill is argued in court over whether or not American citizens have a contractual claim to benefits from the Federal government as anyone would have in any normal "insurance plan". If it's not really an insurance plan then the federal government could argue that we have not claim to benefits when we retire (the so called lock box is empty).
While this may anger a lot of people, it doesn't anger me anymore. Not because I am numb to the matter, but because I try to see the bigger picture. In my opinion, these people should be pitied more than anything. I actually feel sorry for them because their lives are wrapped up in one long string of lies and deceit that just gets more messy as they go. Maybe it's because the left predominately sees no need of God in our world (my opinion). To many of them there is no heaven or hell, there is just here and now and therefore they must make this the best heaven on earth they can create. To do this, requires lots of force and coercion to accomplish as not everyone is going to enjoy the earthly heaven you set out to create. To do this, they must spend every waking hour addressing every new video that comes up and every lie they said with new and improved lies. They will have to re-write and ignore sections of their laws as the unexpected consequences of their legislation begin to become obvious to the voters. As Reagan put it best, "The more the plans fail, the more the planners plan" until it consumes every minute of their lives on earth. To that, all I can say is....
What a pathetic lot they have become.
Or as in the proverb by the famous Scottish author, Sir Walter Scott
"Oh what a wicked web we weave when first we practice to deceive"
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