"What good does it do to own property if you are regulated as to what you can do with that property?"This he referred to as State-ism which was a lighter-gentler form of Communism that allows people to own property (whereas communism disallows all private property), but regulates what owners can do with the land whether in building or planting crops.
Today the Obama administration is doing an end run on our 2nd amendment rights by working through banks to restrict credit on companies that manufacture guns. The DOJ program, rightly called: Operation Choke Point, seeks to choke out businesses in the firearms industry altogether. It utilizes laws put on the books to go after the Mafia and drug dealers but now used for other purposes. As we learned in 2008, credit is the life-blood of business and without it they wither and die quickly. If successful, they would be able to eventually drive out all gun manufacturers and prevent us from owning guns. Thus the 2nd amendment becomes as meaningless as the 3rd amendment (quartering of soldiers) as we would "technically" still have the right to own a gun, but no where to buy one (or even if you could the cost would be too prohibitive for most Americans).
The federal government has no right under the Constitution to control the economy of legal enterprises (especially one that is guaranteed by the Constitution itself). This is a misuse of the laws on the books used to take down the mafia and drug cartels who do business outside the confines of the law. But as with all laws, they can be used for good and for bad depending on who is making the rules at the time.
Could such laws be used to control us as well? Possibly.
Take for example if the government wants to limit how far from work you live. If the government thinks everyone should walk to work and not drive they could use the credit system to control you as well. Therefore when you go to apply for a car loan they take into account the distance between your work and your home. If further than 3 miles, they cannot approve your loan. The same could be with regards to your mortgage as well. Too far from your places of work? Forget about it! Maybe you should rent a government approved apartment near your work instead? How about your child's college education? You want them to go to a Christian college? Forget about it! How about a nice state sponsored college instead? Your church wants a loan to expand or build a new building? Forget about it! (unless your church is willing to change their stance on abortion).
The possibilities are endless... unless we tell our congressmen to investigate and put an end to this abuse of law abiding citizens.
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