Well the election is over and Obama has 4 more years to tear down this country with his taxes and regulations and as he messaged to Vladimere Putin, he will have more "flexibility when he wins his next election".
For those who think Obama will consult Clinton on how to conduct himself on his 2nd term, move to the center and reach out to Republicans all I have to say to is..
Obama has never lived in the center and certainly will not be worrying about how to get there now.
No. He has wanted this position and he has us exactly where he wants us. He has NOTHING TO FEAR because he has NOTHING TO LOSE.
He has already said he doesn't need Congress. After all he can change our country by using his many administrations and czars.
He doesn't need Senate approval for his appointments... he can appoint whoever he wants when they are in recess or declare another person to be the Czar of XYZ
He doesn't need bills to pass the House or the Senate... he can have the EPA pass any regulation he needs or order the Justice Department to ignore any law he doesn't agree with.
He doesn't need Congress to approve of where or how he uses the military... he can order his drones at will to kill whoever he wills (US citizen or not) or send in his troops in any country for however long he needs (like he did in Libya).
He doesn't need to ever answer to Congress for any laws his administration may have broken... he can just declare Executive Privilege at will and prevent any committees from getting to bottom of its many cases it is investigating.
He doesn't need a budget to be passed ... he can just have the Federal Reserve hand out free "digital money" to the banks through QE3,4,5.. (Qualitative Easing is where the Fed electronically prints money into the banks accounts which he has done 3 times already) and cause massive inflation when that money goes into circulation.
(In fact I think Congress should just go on a 4 year vacation because I can guarantee they won't be needed by this President and will be wasting there time hanging around the Capitol building waiting for bi-partisan direction to come from the White House)
He doesn't need to fear the press for he knows they are his lap dogs (attack dogs when he needs them).
I have little hope that the next 4 years will be better than the last 4 years but I pray that I am wrong. But one hope I do have is this....
The Roman Empire started out as a Republic as well and only with the advent of a General by the name of Julius Caesar did they abandon this form of government for an Emperor. As the Emperor's became more and more powerful their Senate became impotent and their wealth and power was squandered until there was nothing left. And so it will become of us too I fear for history repeats itself for humans are deaf to its lessons.
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