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Monday, June 17, 2013

A "match of whits" we cannot win

    One of my all-time favorite movies is "The Princess Bride" (it was where my wife first let me know how she felt about me).  One of the most memorable scenes is the infamous "Match of Whits" scene (see above), where the masked man challenges a thief to a match of whits.  The masked man supposedly puts poison in one of the cups and challenges the thief to figure out which one.  They would then drink their glasses and the winner would be the one that is not dead.  Of course, those of us who've seen the movie know the masked man puts it in BOTH the glasses and he has "inoculated" himself from the poison by exposing himself to the poison in small amounts over a very long time.  It was a "lose-lose" situation for the thief and a "win-win" for the masked man.

    This is the same situation now for the GOP as they are being engaged in a "match of whits" with the democrats over the immigration bill.   We in the GOP are told that unless we pass this bill we will never get any votes from the Hispanic community every again.   We are told we need to reach out to them and pander to their demands of amnesty.   But in the heart of this bill is amnesty itself and no security on our southern border.  This bill will essentially add millions of new voters to the DNC and therefore the GOP will never win another major election again.

    The real answer is to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law rather than ignoring it.  We need to :
  1. Secure our border (Mexico secures its southern border ... why don't we?) 
  2. Penalize companies that TAKE jobs from Americans and give them to illegals
  3. End the anchor-baby loop-hole (no other country allows children born in its borders to become automatic citizens.... why do we?)
    This is what needs to be done.  It's not racist... it's called CITIZENSHIP which I am entitled to and others can obtain ... IF they take the path that is provided to them.   Yes the GOP might still lose future elections, but at least then we have a fighting chance.  The other choice only gives amnesty to millions of people who don't care for our laws (they broke them to get here), our Constitution, our principles, our history or even our flag (how often I see them at rallies still flying the flag of Mexico).

     Call your Congressmen and URGE THEM TO NOT PASS THE IMMIGRATION BILL!

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