To Nick and Ryan,
First of all you would be correct IF, both religions were said to be entirely "human inventions". If that were the case then it is plausible that 2 different people would come up with 2 different methods of worshiping God and therefore you cannot find fault with either being incorrect. In fact, we could have an infinite number of religions if that were so. But alas, that is not the case. Both religions have at their center 2 people (Jesus and Muhammad) who speak for God and what God demands of his created people to do to please him. In other words they are God-driven religions and not Man-driven religions.
Second, they cannot come from the same source.
To explain, let me use the following illustration...
You meet 2 new people, Jeff and Al. In talking with them, you ask Al, "What's your dad like?". He answers, "My Dad is tough. I have to earn everything I get from him: my food, my clothes, my transportation.. Even my birthday gifts have to be earned by doing a list of jobs he gives me and even if I do all the jobs I am not guaranteed to get what I ask for"
You then ask Jeff the same question and he replies, "My dad is great. He tells me he loves me and he gives me everything I need to live. Food, water, shelter. He even gives me things I don't deserve"
After hearing them, would you EVER think that Jeff and Al come from the SAME family and have the SAME father?
Probably not. For to have a father that is so harsh with one son and so benevolent with the other would be difficult to fathom. How could that ever be?
The same goes for Christianity and Islam.
3 pillars at Mina |
Sound like the SAME father .... or two DIFFERENT fathers?
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