The cartoonist Walt Kelly once said in his famous comic strip Pogo, "We have met the enemy and he is us". The cartoon was with regard to pollution and it was posted on the first Earth Day event. He captured the essence of the problem in a way no one else could and the phrase has been used by many others (including me here) over the past decades.
Watching the debate the other night and listening to people discuss how this election has reached an all time new low has been another eye-opening experience for me. I have talked to people on both sides and both feel betrayed by their parties in allowing people like Trump and Hillary to be their party's nominee. But I often reply back saying it's not Trump's or Hillary's fault. The fault is with us! We put them there. We elected them. Trump and Hillary represent what we (or at least MOST) the American people have become. We have become two-faced autocrats that care little (if nothing at all) about the rule of law or our Constitution. We have treated politics like some sort of blood-sport like Football or UFC fighting. My team vs. Your Team. Winner take all.
Hillary represents the cynical side of America. Politics is a joke. The law is a joke. All that matters is winning. We can talk about the American Dream and our "Love of Country" all the while we mean something entirely different inside. Words are just words. They can be made to say one thing but mean something entirely different. To Hillary, the truth doesn't matter. As Pilat said to Jesus, "What is TRUTH?" so also the truth to Hillary is whatever she can con you into believing to keep you on her side. If she can con you into thinking that 3rd trimester abortions (abortions that occur in the 7th,8th or even 9th month) are not bloody and not painful to the baby they so be it. If she can con you into thinking she only had Yoga classes and wedding plans on her email server then so be it. If she can con you into thinking that she is for the middle-class when she gets millions of dollars from Wall Street banks and Saudi princes, then so be it.
Trump represents the Anyone-But-Hillary crowd. He is the other side of the same coin. He too is "connected" and he has "name recognition" like Hillary, but Trump represents those in America who only care about appearances (which is most of us). He is the product of Reality-TV, Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms. He represents us: vapid, self-righteous, fake and easily distracted. Interested in only scoring points (or "likes" and "re-tweets") but not in winning hearts and minds.
Trump and Hillary are reflections of who we have become in America. They didn't pop out of a laboratory somewhere like Frankenstein's monster. No. They took their cues from us the American people. Like a child learning to talk and taking it's language and ideas from their parents, so also Trump and Hillary learned their behavior from us. Most of America doesn't care about hearing the truth so they don't bother telling us the truth. Most of America doesn't care about the law, so they don't care about the law. Most of America doesn't care about the Constitution so they don't care about the Constitution. Most of America is vapid, fake and heartless so they become vapid, fake and heartless. Most of America is godless so they are godless.
Lament all you want about your choices this election but know you had a part in creating them. They both truly do represent us the American people.
What is funny, is that we laugh at them when Saturday Night Live comedians satirize them and poke fun at them . It's all great fun watching Alec Baldwin squint and push out his lower lip to try to resemble Donald. But the joke is really on us because the real buffoons are not the candidates up on the debate stage. Instead it's us, the American people.
We have met the enemy and they is us.
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Showing posts with label trump. Show all posts
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Friday, March 25, 2016
Thy Will Be Done!
These are probably 4 of the most difficult words to utter in the Lord's Prayer. In these words we completely surrender our desires and goals to that which God's desires and goals for us. Jesus prayed a similar petition on Good Friday in the garden of Gethsemane. He prayed, "Father if it is your will to take this cup from me, but not my will but your will be done". Shortly after praying this Jesus gets his answer. The mob is in the garden and they are there to arrest him. Jesus knew all the pain of the scourging , beatings and crucifixion that awaited him but yet he prayed "your will be done". He surrenders himself to the crowd and then to the Sanhedrin and later to Pontius Pilate himself. Ultimately he surrenders his will to the cross as the soldiers nail him to it. At any moment he could summon a legion of angels to rescue him but he doesn't. He could yell "Damn you all" and in a moment his enemies would be thrown into hell, but he doesn't.
We often pray this petition with our fingers crossed and hoping that God doesn't take it too seriously with us or that he goes easy on us. But that is not always the case. As I have written in some previous blogs, God's will is to save as many people as he can. That is his ULTIMATE WILL. But to do so often requires pain and suffering. CS Lewis once wrote
We don't listen too well when the times are good. We are too busy doing our own thing and thinking that THIS is our heaven and it will all keep going on as it always has. Pain shakes us to our core. It focuses the mind in ways that enjoyment can't. I challenge you to put a small tack in the bottom of your shoe and try to walk around for a day. It will drive you mad!
I think a great economic collapse is coming our way. We know that we can't debt our way to economic stability. The bills will eventually come due and we will all have to pay the price for our indulgences. I think God will work tremendously when that day comes. Some are hoping it comes later rather than sooner. I am quite the opposite. I want to see people flee their idols of money, wealth and power and run towards a loving God wanting to spare them. For I see a hopeless generation seeking meaning but not finding any that is only too arrogant to acknowledge how wrong and blind they are. Sad to say this, but many of these people are in the church as well. They look at God's word as some sort of heavenly "vending machine" that if we say the right things, do the right actions, vote the right way God will smile upon us and give us peace, security and a full stomach. They perform rituals like "Washington Prayer Breakfasts" and other pseudo-religious actions in hopes to get God to grant our country favor in his eyes. Yes we as individuals are called to pray for our leaders and those in power but God does not deign for us to from Super-PACs to accomplish his will. God already knows what he is going to do. He just wants us to ask for it to be done among us and through us as well.
As with our economy, so also, many people are looking at this upcoming election with fear and anxiousness. Some are asking "How did our country slide from past presidents like Washington, Lincoln, Kennedy, Reagan to a choice between Hillary (a untrustworthy liar and hypocrite) and Trump (an obnoxious self-absorbed con-man)?" I can assure you that after this election (as with all events in our world) "Gods will" will be done. Whether it's Hillary or Trump, "God's will" will be done to allow him to reach as many people as possible. I sometimes think God is like a great business man who must change tactics and strategies to keep his business moving forward. He cannot keep using the same methods but must adapt to maximize his profits. God's profits in his world is OUR SOULS which he has redeemed. Maybe all God wanted from the U.S. was for us to invent the Internet so he can reach even more people in places too difficult by any other means. Who knows. But then again maybe God is not done with us yet either.
But in the end all we can say as his followers is: "Thy will be done Lord. Thy will be done!"
We often pray this petition with our fingers crossed and hoping that God doesn't take it too seriously with us or that he goes easy on us. But that is not always the case. As I have written in some previous blogs, God's will is to save as many people as he can. That is his ULTIMATE WILL. But to do so often requires pain and suffering. CS Lewis once wrote
"Pain is God's megaphone to a deaf world"
I think a great economic collapse is coming our way. We know that we can't debt our way to economic stability. The bills will eventually come due and we will all have to pay the price for our indulgences. I think God will work tremendously when that day comes. Some are hoping it comes later rather than sooner. I am quite the opposite. I want to see people flee their idols of money, wealth and power and run towards a loving God wanting to spare them. For I see a hopeless generation seeking meaning but not finding any that is only too arrogant to acknowledge how wrong and blind they are. Sad to say this, but many of these people are in the church as well. They look at God's word as some sort of heavenly "vending machine" that if we say the right things, do the right actions, vote the right way God will smile upon us and give us peace, security and a full stomach. They perform rituals like "Washington Prayer Breakfasts" and other pseudo-religious actions in hopes to get God to grant our country favor in his eyes. Yes we as individuals are called to pray for our leaders and those in power but God does not deign for us to from Super-PACs to accomplish his will. God already knows what he is going to do. He just wants us to ask for it to be done among us and through us as well.
As with our economy, so also, many people are looking at this upcoming election with fear and anxiousness. Some are asking "How did our country slide from past presidents like Washington, Lincoln, Kennedy, Reagan to a choice between Hillary (a untrustworthy liar and hypocrite) and Trump (an obnoxious self-absorbed con-man)?" I can assure you that after this election (as with all events in our world) "Gods will" will be done. Whether it's Hillary or Trump, "God's will" will be done to allow him to reach as many people as possible. I sometimes think God is like a great business man who must change tactics and strategies to keep his business moving forward. He cannot keep using the same methods but must adapt to maximize his profits. God's profits in his world is OUR SOULS which he has redeemed. Maybe all God wanted from the U.S. was for us to invent the Internet so he can reach even more people in places too difficult by any other means. Who knows. But then again maybe God is not done with us yet either.
But in the end all we can say as his followers is: "Thy will be done Lord. Thy will be done!"
Monday, February 29, 2016
Choosing the lesser of 2 evils .... or not
Back in 1987 I was working in Massachusetts and I was on a company softball league of other fellow engineers. Even though I grew playing sports, sadly that was not the case for many of my peers on the team. We decided on a team name called : None of the Above. To illustrate its meaning our shirts were printed with a check-off-list of items related to the question at the top that said
"Our team can: "
On Facebook a friend named Barbara posted, "We must select the lesser of 2 evils" to which I responded, "Would you vote for Hitler if the only other choice was Stalin?". Their answer was simply "No". Of course no one is calling Trump Hitler or Hillary Stalin but it goes to show you that not all choices are simply between the lesser of 2 evils and sometimes it's none-of-the-above.
As a Christian, some often make you feel like "not-voting" or "voting for a 3rd party" is some sort of mortal and unforgivable sin. Back in 1992, a fairly large group of disaffected voters cast their vote for an outsider by the name of Ross Perot who had caught the eye of many Republicans for his "no-nonsense-approach" to government spending. As this split the GOP vote, it allowed Bill Clinton to come into the White House with a dismal 42% of the vote. And the same might happen again, only instead of the vote being split between 2 people it could be split between Trump and that other outsider candidate called "none of the above". But if you recall, from the 1992 election what happened was of not much consequence. We are still here. The world still spins on its axis and God still reigns.
People get their necks all out of joint on this issue. They almost turn purple in the face when they say "Do you want Hillary to roll into office?", like as if the world is going to end. Of course I don't want Hillary in office, but I won't sacrifice my morals and faith to do that. I will still vote, but it will probably be a write-in for Ted Cruz instead. How have we gone from George Washington, who tried as hard as he could be be ethical, moral and straight with the American people to voting for a man who lies, cheats, calls people stupid, ugly, liars, dumb, and says he can't remember asking God for forgiveness for anything.
Jesus said, "All authority has been given to me in heaven and earth". The political system here is just a temporary system until God comes to make all things right. The Constitution did not come down from Mount Sinai with the 10 commandments. It's a man-made invention and an attempt to bring a just system to help us get along. I personally think its the best one we have going so far that allows the most personal freedom, but not everyone likes freedom (sad). God will still reign on his throne and will still accomplish his goals for our world somehow, even if Hillary becomes POTUS. The people of Israel were often frustrated in trying to understand God's will for them. They wanted to return back to the good old years of King David or King Solomon, but they were constantly under other peoples control. First it was Alexander the Great and then later it was the Roman Empire. They tried everything they could to fix the situation, but nothing seemed to change. Yet it was through the Greek and Roman Empires that God brought the Messiah. These empires made it possible and also easier to spread the gospel to millions of more people. God's will was accomplished.
Maybe our desire for a new "Reagan" is much like their need for a new "King David". It's a selfish desire and a short-sighted goal and not in keeping with God's will at this time.
And really, isn't God's will what it's really about in the end?
"Our team can: "
- Hit
- Catch
- Pitch
- Run
- None of the Above
On Facebook a friend named Barbara posted, "We must select the lesser of 2 evils" to which I responded, "Would you vote for Hitler if the only other choice was Stalin?". Their answer was simply "No". Of course no one is calling Trump Hitler or Hillary Stalin but it goes to show you that not all choices are simply between the lesser of 2 evils and sometimes it's none-of-the-above.
As a Christian, some often make you feel like "not-voting" or "voting for a 3rd party" is some sort of mortal and unforgivable sin. Back in 1992, a fairly large group of disaffected voters cast their vote for an outsider by the name of Ross Perot who had caught the eye of many Republicans for his "no-nonsense-approach" to government spending. As this split the GOP vote, it allowed Bill Clinton to come into the White House with a dismal 42% of the vote. And the same might happen again, only instead of the vote being split between 2 people it could be split between Trump and that other outsider candidate called "none of the above". But if you recall, from the 1992 election what happened was of not much consequence. We are still here. The world still spins on its axis and God still reigns.
People get their necks all out of joint on this issue. They almost turn purple in the face when they say "Do you want Hillary to roll into office?", like as if the world is going to end. Of course I don't want Hillary in office, but I won't sacrifice my morals and faith to do that. I will still vote, but it will probably be a write-in for Ted Cruz instead. How have we gone from George Washington, who tried as hard as he could be be ethical, moral and straight with the American people to voting for a man who lies, cheats, calls people stupid, ugly, liars, dumb, and says he can't remember asking God for forgiveness for anything.
Jesus said, "All authority has been given to me in heaven and earth". The political system here is just a temporary system until God comes to make all things right. The Constitution did not come down from Mount Sinai with the 10 commandments. It's a man-made invention and an attempt to bring a just system to help us get along. I personally think its the best one we have going so far that allows the most personal freedom, but not everyone likes freedom (sad). God will still reign on his throne and will still accomplish his goals for our world somehow, even if Hillary becomes POTUS. The people of Israel were often frustrated in trying to understand God's will for them. They wanted to return back to the good old years of King David or King Solomon, but they were constantly under other peoples control. First it was Alexander the Great and then later it was the Roman Empire. They tried everything they could to fix the situation, but nothing seemed to change. Yet it was through the Greek and Roman Empires that God brought the Messiah. These empires made it possible and also easier to spread the gospel to millions of more people. God's will was accomplished.
Maybe our desire for a new "Reagan" is much like their need for a new "King David". It's a selfish desire and a short-sighted goal and not in keeping with God's will at this time.
And really, isn't God's will what it's really about in the end?
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