We often pray this petition with our fingers crossed and hoping that God doesn't take it too seriously with us or that he goes easy on us. But that is not always the case. As I have written in some previous blogs, God's will is to save as many people as he can. That is his ULTIMATE WILL. But to do so often requires pain and suffering. CS Lewis once wrote
"Pain is God's megaphone to a deaf world"
I think a great economic collapse is coming our way. We know that we can't debt our way to economic stability. The bills will eventually come due and we will all have to pay the price for our indulgences. I think God will work tremendously when that day comes. Some are hoping it comes later rather than sooner. I am quite the opposite. I want to see people flee their idols of money, wealth and power and run towards a loving God wanting to spare them. For I see a hopeless generation seeking meaning but not finding any that is only too arrogant to acknowledge how wrong and blind they are. Sad to say this, but many of these people are in the church as well. They look at God's word as some sort of heavenly "vending machine" that if we say the right things, do the right actions, vote the right way God will smile upon us and give us peace, security and a full stomach. They perform rituals like "Washington Prayer Breakfasts" and other pseudo-religious actions in hopes to get God to grant our country favor in his eyes. Yes we as individuals are called to pray for our leaders and those in power but God does not deign for us to from Super-PACs to accomplish his will. God already knows what he is going to do. He just wants us to ask for it to be done among us and through us as well.
As with our economy, so also, many people are looking at this upcoming election with fear and anxiousness. Some are asking "How did our country slide from past presidents like Washington, Lincoln, Kennedy, Reagan to a choice between Hillary (a untrustworthy liar and hypocrite) and Trump (an obnoxious self-absorbed con-man)?" I can assure you that after this election (as with all events in our world) "Gods will" will be done. Whether it's Hillary or Trump, "God's will" will be done to allow him to reach as many people as possible. I sometimes think God is like a great business man who must change tactics and strategies to keep his business moving forward. He cannot keep using the same methods but must adapt to maximize his profits. God's profits in his world is OUR SOULS which he has redeemed. Maybe all God wanted from the U.S. was for us to invent the Internet so he can reach even more people in places too difficult by any other means. Who knows. But then again maybe God is not done with us yet either.
But in the end all we can say as his followers is: "Thy will be done Lord. Thy will be done!"