"Our team can: "
- Hit
- Catch
- Pitch
- Run
- None of the Above
On Facebook a friend named Barbara posted, "We must select the lesser of 2 evils" to which I responded, "Would you vote for Hitler if the only other choice was Stalin?". Their answer was simply "No". Of course no one is calling Trump Hitler or Hillary Stalin but it goes to show you that not all choices are simply between the lesser of 2 evils and sometimes it's none-of-the-above.
As a Christian, some often make you feel like "not-voting" or "voting for a 3rd party" is some sort of mortal and unforgivable sin. Back in 1992, a fairly large group of disaffected voters cast their vote for an outsider by the name of Ross Perot who had caught the eye of many Republicans for his "no-nonsense-approach" to government spending. As this split the GOP vote, it allowed Bill Clinton to come into the White House with a dismal 42% of the vote. And the same might happen again, only instead of the vote being split between 2 people it could be split between Trump and that other outsider candidate called "none of the above". But if you recall, from the 1992 election what happened was of not much consequence. We are still here. The world still spins on its axis and God still reigns.
People get their necks all out of joint on this issue. They almost turn purple in the face when they say "Do you want Hillary to roll into office?", like as if the world is going to end. Of course I don't want Hillary in office, but I won't sacrifice my morals and faith to do that. I will still vote, but it will probably be a write-in for Ted Cruz instead. How have we gone from George Washington, who tried as hard as he could be be ethical, moral and straight with the American people to voting for a man who lies, cheats, calls people stupid, ugly, liars, dumb, and says he can't remember asking God for forgiveness for anything.
Jesus said, "All authority has been given to me in heaven and earth". The political system here is just a temporary system until God comes to make all things right. The Constitution did not come down from Mount Sinai with the 10 commandments. It's a man-made invention and an attempt to bring a just system to help us get along. I personally think its the best one we have going so far that allows the most personal freedom, but not everyone likes freedom (sad). God will still reign on his throne and will still accomplish his goals for our world somehow, even if Hillary becomes POTUS. The people of Israel were often frustrated in trying to understand God's will for them. They wanted to return back to the good old years of King David or King Solomon, but they were constantly under other peoples control. First it was Alexander the Great and then later it was the Roman Empire. They tried everything they could to fix the situation, but nothing seemed to change. Yet it was through the Greek and Roman Empires that God brought the Messiah. These empires made it possible and also easier to spread the gospel to millions of more people. God's will was accomplished.
Maybe our desire for a new "Reagan" is much like their need for a new "King David". It's a selfish desire and a short-sighted goal and not in keeping with God's will at this time.
And really, isn't God's will what it's really about in the end?
Very good point!