There was a survey done by Gallup and the results were very disheartening as 54% said YES they would vote for an atheist.
The idea here is we would vote for atheist if they would return our country to its former level of "prosperity" (i.e. - I have a job, a house , a car, vacations, and all the medicine I need). 54% are willing to sell their souls in return for all of those things fore-mentioned.
Here again we see how Americans have been con-ed into the idea that religion is "worthless" and "unnecessary" in a modern world and all the matters is "the Dow is UP and unemployment is DOWN". We have also been duped by the historians who have re-written history and told us that the founding fathers were all "deists" and that this is synonymous with "atheist" when it was not the case at all. Writers like Richard Dawkins have spewed their ideology that atheists are more trustworthy and moral than the best of the religiously-minded. They believe that they can be "Good without God" and some ancient code handed down by priests and rabbis is unnecessary and ridiculous.
But really! You would rather trust a person who believes that he only has these few short years here on earth to accumulate all that he can and enjoy as much as he can before he dissolves back into dirt only to be used by some flower sitting next to his headstone. You would trust the person who has no one to be held accountable to once he ends this life? A person who believes he can be as immoral as he wants to be and that he only needs to hide his immorality enough to go undetected by those around him until he dies. That he is UN-accountable to anyone?
The word to look at here is : accountable. This words root word is of course "account" and is synonymous with bookkeeping (a tracking of debits and credits). If we know someone is keeping score we have a different outlook on life and it alters the choices we make. Children make different choices if they KNOW Mom and Dad will find out (or might find out). They may walk away from drugs if they know Mom and Dad might drug test them when they get home from a party or a sleep-over. Children might also alter what they say or share on-line if the KNOW Mom and Dad can see what they say and do.
Atheists refute this either of two ways.
The first way is they make the absurd claim that man is basically good and is evolving to becoming even better. We have "evolved" our way to goodness and morality and have no more need for a "God". We have in effect become God. We are all powerful (Have you see what we can do with an atom?). We are all knowing (We've discovered the Higgs-Boson particle!). We can be everywhere at the same time (have you seen all the cameras we have around the world and our drones flying over head?). We can know your thoughts (Okay, we can't read your thoughts, but we can read your emails and your facebook pages and get a good idea of what you are thinking). We are all good (Have you seen how much money we have thrown at defeating poverty?). But the truth is we are not evolving to goodness, but instead we are becoming more and more evil. We can spew more lies to more people than ever before. We can kill more children with more efficiency than Hitler would have imagined possible. We can edit video and make the unreal.. real, a lie into the truth. We can wipe out peoples savings and steal peoples credit with a few clicks of a mouse.
The second argument they use is that we will hold each other accountable and we have no need for an invisible "boogey-man" to hold us in line. Atheists claim that the news media will hold our politicians accountable and make sure we the voters know what they are doing. But looking at this administration and how it treats the mainstream media as its personal lapdogs (attack dogs when they need them) we see this just is not the case. They hide behind terms like "Executive Privilege" and sealed documents labeled "Confidential" and our media complacently bends to their will as if under a "Jedi-mind-control" (these are not the memos you are looking for).
I am not saying that we need to only vote for Bible-thumping-Praise-Jesus-born-again politicians, but we do need to find those individuals who respect faith and have a healthy fear of their future judgment. People who know that no one ever "gets away with murder" (or any other offense for that matter). Maybe they won't ask "What would Jesus do?" but at least they might ask "Will God hold me accountable for this and be pleased with me?"
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