To those on the left who think it's okay for the government to tell you that you MUST buy health insurance or pay a tax penalty. Let me pose this idea. How would you feel if Republicans under the 2nd and 10th amendment told you that you HAVE TO BUY A GUN OR PAY A HEFTY TAX PENALTY!
We could argue that with the rise of terrorism and crime, an armed citizenry is the best possible solution to this problem.
The gun industry would LOVE this law since it would force everyone to buy their product. Congress could also:
1) Legislate the exact kind of gun and ammunition to be purchased (we don't have people who know nothing about guns buying the wrong kind of gun). Occasionally the gun style might be changed so citizens would need to purchase new guns and ammo every 5 years. (stale ammo can be bad you know).
2) Require classes to learn how to use the gun so that every citizen is prepared. These classes would need to be re-taken every 3 years (just to make sure you are up on the latest methods). Of course these classes would need to have fully trained government instructors leading them and they must be administered at official government training facilities that are equipped with the latest in target ranges, police-style shoot-no-shoot-training grounds, computer simulators, not to mention swimming pools, sauna's, weight-rooms, fine-dining for the government workers to use.
3) Require all citizens to join the NRA and display their NRA badge proudly at all times on their vehicle.
4) Require all citizens to go to a gun range 2 times a year to show they can hit the broad side of a barn.
5) Require all gun owners to purchase government approved safes for storing the gun in when not in use. These safes will have to be inspected from time to time to insure they are locked and have adequate child safety guards. Lock numbers will need to be registered with the federal government in the small likelihood that the FBI or ATF should need to access said safe in the future.
6) If you cannot afford to buy a gun you will be given one at no cost to you by the federal government. The money to pay for these guns will come from the tax-penalties of those who chose NOT to have a gun on their premises.
7) To insure the public safety of people who would be visiting homes that do NOT have a gun, the owners must have a large sticker applied to their front door informing people entering the home that: "ATTENTION: TO THOSE ENTERING THIS HOUSE, THE OWNER OF THIS HOME IS A LIBERAL AND DOES NOT LIKE HAVING GUNS IN HIS HOME. THIS HOME THEREFORE DOES NOT HAVE ANY GUNS THAT COULD BE USED TO PROTECT YOU IN THE ADVENT OF A BURGLARY OR HOME INVASION"
With that said, how do you feel about ObamaCare and the ability of the Federal Government to force you to buy a product?
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