When you look at the United States of America and compare it to other countries you realize that FREEDOM is the only "natural resource" that WE HAVE that other countries simply don't have. We have embodied in our Constitution that the INDIVIDUAL is more important than the government. Other forms of government (socialism and communism) put society and the "community" over the individual, but not here. That is why our Declaration of Independence says, "all men are created equal", and lays that belief at the feet of "the creator".
Other countries have oil, gas, coal, iron, copper, gold, diamonds, etc all in great supply. But all of that doesn't matter which is why so many flock from those countries of "wealth of material" to our country with its "wealth of freedom". The freedom to believe what you want to believe, say what you want you want to say, own what you want what you want to own.
But sadly, that freedom is being squandered by some and destroyed by others. Some are trading in their freedom for comfort. As Ben Franklin said, "Those desire security over freedom deserve neither freedom or security". Many would rather receive a handout from the government and become their slaves rather than work their own way and provide their own security. Many others would rather receive "free healthcare" that will ultimately reduce the length of their own life rather than pay for their own.
Let's not squander the one resource our country has: FREEDOM. Let us reclaim that freedom and take back our country from those who fear and loath it. But remember, FREEDOM IS NOT FREE! We cannot wait on the sidelines for someone else to contribute money to the candidates we support. We cannot wait for the public schools and our public school teachers to change their ways and teach our child to love our country. If we must pay money to send them to private schools and forgo trips to Hawaii or Florida then that is what we must do. Our kids may want to spend the summer on the beach, but if they will get a better appreciation for our country by visiting historical sites, then that we must do too. If talking to our "friends and neighbors" about the corruption in Washington and why we must not re-elect Obama to a second term will cause you to lose "friends and neighbors" then SO BE IT!
Our Founding Fathers put their lives and the lives of their children on the line because by signing the Declaration of Independence they were signing their own death warrants. If we lost, they would have been executed by being drawn-and-quartered (disemboweled while still alive) for high treason against the king. Their families would have lost all their property and would have been destitute for the rest of their lives. They risked everything to give us what we have today.
So we must also.
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