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Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Stamp Act of 2012

ObamaCare is the "Stamp Act of 2012".

For those not up on their colonial history, the Stamp Act was a direct tax imposed by Great Britian on the colonies that required a special stamped paper (which was embossed) be used on all legal documents, magazines, newspapers and many other types of documents.  This not only was a form of taxes, it also gave them the authority to destroy all documents that failed to use their paper and shutdown their ability to speak freely.  The money collected from this paper was used by British to pay for the soldiers that were quartered in the colonies not to protect them but to keep them in line.  This act, passed in 1765, took several years of enforcement until finally they had enough. 

Like 1765, our government is performing political acrobatics to not use the word "tax" (they think we are so stupid that we will someone say "oh its only a penalty and not a that's ok).  Like the British Parliament who collected taxes using subterfuge by selling "special government embossed paper", our Federal government is using political subterfuge to sell us a tax as a "penalty for non-action" and the Progressive Supreme Court is now shown us that they are complacent in this.

Also like the Stamp Act, ObamaCare goes beyond your decision to have healthcare or not.  The Stamp Act gave the British the power to control what you read since pamphlets not printed on official paper was burned.  So also, ObamaCare will decide your healthcare benefits and what they can or cannot cover.   If your healthcare does not have the ObamaCare "stamp of approval" it will not be valid and will have to be replaced. 

Finally under the Stamp Act, British soldiers were given the power to enter the colonists homes to search and destroy non-compliant documents.  So also under ObamaCare we have given the government the power to stand between us and our doctors and to look into our personal medical files to insure that we are being under treated or better yet "over treated" in accordance to the federal government guidelines. Our costs are necessarily going to sky-rocket and our coverage will likely go down.

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