As a person who works in the computer industry, I know all too much about "compatibility". Software must be compatible with the hardware that its being run on. Apple software does not run on PC's unless it has been "ported" to that hardware platform. You can try to run it, but most likely you will get some ugly error message informing you that the program cannot be run. If someone told you that if you just keep pushing the Apple-CD into the PC over and over again that eventually the PC would relent and execute the Apple program you would tell that person "Are you NUTS? That is the most ridiculous idea I have ever heard of!"
Capitalism, Socialism, Communism are all economic ideals which are played out on society/countries. Like software they must be compatible with us in order to work otherwise, like shoving the Apple-CD into the PC, its just a waste of time and energy.
So are they compatible with us as humans?
To answer that we must ask ourselves "How were we built and how do we function?". If you believe in evolution, you will have to say we were assembled using the "survival of the fittest method". 3 Billion years of try-and-fail, try-and-fail have culminated to bring US to the table. 3 Billion years of evolution built on GREED has been engrained in our DNA and made us who we are. 3 Billion years left dinosaurs on the dust-heap-of-biology and allowed smaller, nimbler, smarter creatures to move on.
To illustrate this point I will use a study done by the University of Illinois in which that tool groups of subjects in to watch a marketing movie. While watching the movie they gave them each buckets of popcorn (carefully weighed to be the same) and then gathered the buckets after the movie to see how much was left. What they found was that no matter what size bucket was given the subjects, they always finished all of the popcorn. When asked why this is the case, the professor replied that it's in our DNA to consume the food that is in front of us because our bodies think it may be our last meal for some time to come. Its a "eat or be eaten" mentality that comes from billions of years of evolution. In other words, we are genetically predisposed to be greedy because it helps us survive.
Socialism and Communism both start from a premise that we as a humans can be made to be altruistic and that we will look out for others first and us second. It means that we must be willing to give up our own needs to provide for others despite the possibility that it might mean our own destruction. Now let's say that through some miracle of evolution a small percentage (.00001%) of the population have somehow overcome their genetic predisposition for greed and have become "altruistic" instead. These people would be competing with the other 99.999999% of the population (nearly 6 billion people) for survival. Their chances of surviving would practically ZERO for all intents and purposes. Therefore for socialism/communism to work it must go COUNTER to what DNA is telling us to do and the only way it can accomplish that goal is through force or coercion. Socialism uses coercion to entice people to its viewpoint. By offering people unlimited "goodies" such as free healthcare, free college education, free retirement at age 50, etc. All of these paid in full by the rich, even though the rich don't have nearly enough money to pay for all of this. Communism on the other hand does not use coercion but instead must use force (usually after a bloody coup) to achieve its demands. But forced altruism is an oxymoron and therefore must be rejected.
Capitalism on the other hand is built on the premise of greed and the idea that the individual comes first and society second. In capitalism, greed benefits all because it is only rewarded when its customers are benefited as well. Its says "go and gather as much for yourselves as you can" but in doing so you have helped others as well without knowing it. Consider the squirrels gathering nuts for the winter. They gather for themselves and not others. They hoard nuts in many areas around their dens to hold them over until the spring. They don't gather for other squirrels. But in the process, some of the nuts that they have buried will be forgotten or lost and so will turn in to trees themselves for future squirrels to gather from. So also it is with capitalism, where millionaires and billionaires gather more then they need and in the process the money they have amassed becomes loans and investments for future business to spring from. Often people who wish to demonize the wealthy portray them as entities that store their cash away in large wall mounted vaults or safes, thus squandering it for themselves when other more worthy individuals could be using it. This is far from reality as most wealthy people re-invest their wealthy seeking more in return (that is how they got wealthy in the first place).
Also with capitalism, both the producer and the consumer is able to satisfy their greed (yes, it's not just the corporation that is greedy). To illustrate this point, consider a person who wants to travel from San Diego to Dallas. They go on several websites to find the best deal and decide to go with Southwest Airlines because they have the lowest fare of all the airlines and they have the best record for getting people to their destinations on time. Southwest is greedy and therefore sells the flight at a price they believe will maximize their profit margin. The customer is greedy because they took the lowest fare and wanted to insure they didn't waste their time at the airport (time is money too). They greedily want to hold on to as much of their money from each purchase so they can use it to buy other things or invest it turn earn more. In an effort to "spread the wealth around" (as our President is so fond of), the customer could have listed the airlines alphabetically and just go through the list one by one each time he wants to travel. After all I am sure that Delta Airlines has workers that work hard too and I should spread my money around to all the airlines to be fair. But that is not how the world works!
Capitalism works WITH our makeup as humans and not against it. It doesn't need to be forced or coerced. It just happens naturally if given the opportunity. That is what this great country of ours did a little over 200 years ago. It provided the environment to "pursue happiness" and people from all over the world have migrated here to do just that. Just like geese flying south for the winter because their DNA has told them that is what they must do, so also people from all over the world, driven by their basic instincts, have come here to fulfill their destiny.
This is why capitalism will always succeed and other methods like socialism and communism will always fail.
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