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Monday, March 11, 2019

Going to war with God

     Sometimes in war countries will use subterfuge and trickery to make it look like they have a larger army than they really do in order scare off would-be invaders.   Take for example in World War II when the Allies were planning the D day invasion.   They needed to keep Hitler guessing as to where they were going to invade from and so they needed to make it look like we were mounting an invasion in the northern part of England.   Because metal was already scarce, the military couldn’t afford to just put tanks and planes out in an open field and not use them.   So the employed the help of Hollywood.  They were able to create inflatable tanks, airplanes, trucks, jeeps, armored personnel carriers and much more that looked very real even when you were standing just a few hundred yards from it.  This fooled Hitlers spies  and reconnaissance planes and helped give us an edge on D day.

     In Luke 14:25-31 Jesus says,

Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said:26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple. 27 And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.
28 “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?29 For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, 30 saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish.’ 
31 Or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king. Won’t he first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand? 32 If he is not able, he will send a delegation while the other is still a long way off and will ask for terms of peace. 33 In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.

   Here Jesus uses the example of a king who is being invaded by another king who has twice as many soldiers as he does.   He reasons that if he doesn't think his smaller army can hold down the castle, that he should surrender and come to peace with the other king.    In most modern Bibles today, this story will come under the section of "The Cost of being a Disciple".   These titles were not in the original texts of the authors, but were put in by biblical scholars to help the reader understand what is being said.    While it is true Jesus is being brutally honest with the people around him that being his disciple might cost them their very lives,  I don't think Jesus' words here are directed at those who have decided to follow him.  Instead, I think his words are directed at those who have NOT decided to follow him or were on the fence.   Jesus is reasoning with the people and getting them to take a census of their lives much like the king in his story.    I think he’s giving them a rational look at the situation that they face.  In reality, mankind has joined Satan's war against God.   Jesus is showing them the reality of the situation and the other king (God) has a much larger army than you and it’s not even close.  You’re going to be going up against this king and you better take a good look at your situation and decide whether not you can do it or not.   God is coming with all of your sins in tow behind him to condemn you.  Now take a good look at your so-called good works that you’re so proud of and then match them up against the host of sins.  Do you have it in you to fight that fight?  Jesus presses for them to send an ambassador to negotiate the terms peace before it's too late! 

    But the good news that we have is that our king from the other side already knows that our military is just full of hot air that there’s nothing there.   They’re much like the inflatable trucks, planes and tanks the Allies used in WW2.   He knows our resources are completely decimated and we will lose.   So he sends his own envoy, Jesus Christ, to not just negotiate peace but to win our peace for us. God does not want to be at war with man he wants to be at peace.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Glass half empty or full?

     Most people are familiar with the question about how they view a glass of water filled like that shown below

    Do you see it has half FULL?                                              Or do you see it as half EMPTY?

    The answer to that question dictates whether you are more of an OPTIMIST or a PESSIMIST.

     It's all about how we perceive something.  There is no right or wrong answer here.  Both are simultaneously correct in their own right.   We don't know what makes one person more optimistic than another person.  In our world we need BOTH kinds of people to balance things out.   We need the pessimist to tell us to save our money because we don't know what tomorrow will bring.  Maybe a job loss or an injury/sickness or maybe even death.   We also need the optimist to use and spend our money because what is life if all we do is hoard our money and never enjoy it.

     When we view God's word,  the same optimist/pessimist views are often applied without us even knowing it.  I think that most people who study the Bible already know at some level they are sinners and in need of forgiveness.   We carry this view with us as we read the Bible and sometimes miss out on what God is really telling us.

    Take for example this verse from Leviticus 19:2

Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy.    

   How does that make you feel when you read those words?

   Does it strike some level of fear into your hearts?

   Maybe it makes you feel a bit uneasy maybe even angry because it seems to be an achievable demand by God upon you.   Me??  Holy?

    But when we look at these words in context of the Bible these words seem less like a demand and more of a declaration by God on us.    Take for example, Genesis 1:1,  "Let there BE LIGHT, and there was light".    God calls for light to be created and it is.  Another example is when Jesus calms the storm
That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” 36 Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. 37 A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. 38 Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?”
39 He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves,  
 “Quiet! Be still!Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.
40 He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”
41 They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!” 
     Jesus words to the wind have effect.   When Jesus speaks, things happen.  His words change things immediately.   In another story, Jesus heals a man with leprosy (Luke 5)

12 While Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came along who was covered with leprosy.[b] When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged him, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”
13 Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” And immediately the leprosy left him.

     Jesus words of "Be clean!" changes the man immediately.  No fancy incantation or magic words.   Reality is what Jesus says it is!

     Yet Jesus, being the very Word of God, is the same person speaking the words of Leviticus 19:2 to us.  To me, God's words of "Be Holy" are not so much a demand but more of HIM declaring US to be Holy.   What God speaks happens.   We are HOLY because God declares us HOLY.    God can only do this because he will be the one picking up the tab of all of our sins on the cross.

    Prayer: Thank you God for declaring me HOLY in your sight and changing my life forever.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


    In Physics there is a phenomenon called "super-fluidity" in which atoms stop behaving like individual particles and start moving in concert with their neighbors.   For this to happen two things must occur:

  1. The particles must be super-cooled to their liquid state so to put them near their neighboring particles and stay in their ground state.
  2. The particles must be indistinguishable from each other even if they swap  sub-atomic particles.   

    An example of this is liquid Helium.  It is a perfect atom because it has 2 protons, 2 neutrons and 2 electrons with a filled outer shell.   Two atoms of Helium could exchange any particle and no one would know a difference.  When super-cooled to a liquid state their locations become "blurred" and they essentially stop being individual particles but begin to operate in unison.   They essentially lose their individual identity and become entangled with the identity of their neighbors.  Therefore if one particle moves in a certain direction there is a good probability that a neighboring particle will move in that same direction.   If you were to take a little bit of the liquid helium and pull it out of the container the whole container will follow it over the edge and onto the floor.

   In society the same can happen for us as people too.  When we lose our sense of being "individuals" we tend to move in the same direction as those around us.  Our identity becomes entangled with their identity and we stop thinking for ourselves.  We may even think we are moving in the right direction but we can't really tell because we are caught up in the moment and can't see distant future.  This is why you have to be very careful of the movements you allow yourself to be "entangled" in and let other people do the "thinking for you".

   Take for example the school teachers in Nazi Germany.  They were caught up in a movement that were told was "good for Germany".  They stopped thinking for themselves and lost their identity as individuals in exchange for being German.  In their desire to be like everyone else that they merely repeated what they were told and trained school children to think and do the same.  It was their loss of individuality that led them to implementing the atrocious and vile beliefs of Nazism.   When we watch movies today that attempt to show the views taught to children in the German schools we often cringe in horror as we witness teachers programming their students in genocide and racism.  We think to ourselves, "How could they do this?"  ,"What were they thinking?" or "How could they be so blind?"

   Today, in America, much could be said about what is taught in our schools today.  Say what you want, but no one knows the long lasting effects of our education social programs.  We, like the German teachers, are caught up in there moment and the here-and-now.   We can't see that our behavior and views may be caught up in "social-super-fluidity".   We all like to think we are acting on our own accord and as individuals,  but we become entangled with society and lose our perspective.  We let others do the thinking for us.  It could be politicians, leaders, writers, entertainers or even other teachers.

   This is also the error of defining yourself by what class/race/heritage you belong to.  When we identify as belonging to  X-race or Y-race and not the Human-race you exchange some of your own individuality for the racial, sexual, gender or even political sub-class you desire to belong to.  You stop determining your own path and let others dictate your steps for you.  Like those helium atoms that lose their identity you also lose yourself as well and move with the group and do things you as an individual would not do.

   It's like what my mom would tell me about hanging out with my friends late at night.  She would tell me that the IQ of the group goes DOWN as you add more people to the group and the later it gets into the night.   In a way she was right.  As we join ourselves with other people we each think someone else is doing the "thinking" when in fact NO ONE is thinking.  We all hope someone else will hold the group back from doing "stupid stuff"  ( I don't have to list them here... we've all done them) when in fact NO ONE is holding the group back.   Each of you abdicated the ownership of your individuality to the group and as my mother would say, "became group-stupid".

   I, personally, think we should fight ALL social movements in our schools whether they come from the left or the right.   In either case we stand the chance of losing our individuality and run the risk of moving society in a direction we will later regret.    I think this was much what the framers of our Constitution feared would happen.  They saw the atrocities of the  French Revolution and did everything in their power to prevent it from happening here.  They put the highest value on us as individuals and sought to instill in us pride in being such.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Agnosticism makes ZERO sense

   Often Atheists get caught with the absurdity of their views and are forced to concede that there "may be a God" and fall back into a deeper trench called Agnosticism. They concede that the world is too complex to have evolved 100% on its own and that at some point the universe must start with nothing and become something.  But in order to stay on the thrones of their own kingdoms they entrench themselves into an even more absurd view of the universe that God may have created this world but has no care of concern for it at all.

   I am reminded of a doctor named Dr. Amen who is a medical doctor who specializes in neurology and psychiatry.  He was treating a woman who as dealing with depression and was a 60 year-old widow.   She told him, "No one will want to be with a 60-year-old woman like me".  He confronted her assertion, saying "Really?  There are 6 billion people on the planet and not ONE man out there would want to spend their life with you?".   She realized how wrong that assertion was and decided to change her assertion to, "There must be as least ONE person out there who would like to spend their life with a 60-year-old woman".  From there she moved to "There is someone out there for me!".

  You see, the probability of there being ZERO men out there for her was ZERO PERCENT.  It changed her outlook completely.

  The same can be said for the Agnostic.  The agnostic may think they have created a spiritual "safe space" for themselves when in reality they have opened themselves up for God to work in their lives.   Using the same method as Dr. Amen, one must confront the Agnostic with their rational that "God doesn't care at all about his creation".   Really?  God cares ZERO about his creation?  What is the probability that God cares ZERO about his creation?  Answer: ZERO PERCENT.    So God DOES care about the universe... he cares about you therefore since you are part of that creation.  Now the question become "HOW MUCH DOES HE CARE?"

   How do you measure if someone cares for you?  Often we use their behavior as a sign of their feeling for us.  If they want to spend time with us we say they care some for us.  But we know that time alone is not enough.  Just because a person spends time conversing with us does not mean they "care for us" for it may be they like spending time with us because it fills a hole in their lives.  People who work in soup-kitchens often find themselves there because working their makes them feel better about themselves and not because the people they find there are of better communication or enjoyment.  But spending time is a way we can quantify some small level of concern or love for us.

   The next way we measure their concern for us is how far they come to be with us.  If our neighbor next door comes over to say "hi" that has a different value to us than a friend to spends money on a plane ride and the spends 6 hours sitting in cramped conditions and forgoes time spent elsewhere to be with us.  How often have we said, "I can't believe they traveled all the way out here to be with ME!".

  Right after distance we use cost to measure ones concern and love for us.  Granted we do make allowances for those who don't have as much to spend such as relatives who have limited savings to pull from to make the trip to see us.   But we look at how these people compensate for their lack of funds or how they utilize what they have to let us know they love us.  It could be a card, a gift or a simple letter or phone call.   We measure these in cost of not just money but "time" (there's that time factor again) but also "effort".   Those who are poorer use their effort to show their love.  Have you ever received a hand-made-gift?  A gift that took some simple ordinary and inexpensive materials and turned them into something unique and special?

  These then are the measuring sticks for determining if someone cares for you: Time, Effort and Cost.

   So how do we measure God's care and concern for us?

   Let's look at TIME.   God began his journey with Adam several thousand years ago.  He later furthered his time with man through Abraham some 4000 years ago.  From Abraham he worked with prophets and kings to let us know he was there for us and had a plan for us.  Then at the completion of time he sent his son Jesus to spend REAL-TIME with us here on earth.   He has been with us ever since too.  Jesus said, "I will not leave you as orphans but will send the Holy Spirit to be with you and comfort you".   He is still here!

   Next let's look at EFFORT.   Jesus left everything in heaven to be with us.  Like that good friend that leaves everything to take a plane to fly a far distance just to be with you, God left everything behind to be with YOU.   But let's not also forget all the effort God put into place to get Jesus to earth.  He worked through Abraham and the Jewish people through thousands us years of backsliding and unfaithfulness to him by worshiping other gods. He protected them from constant annihilation and destruction both physically (attacks by Assyrians, Philistines, Hittites, Babylonians, Greeks and Romans) and spiritually (inter-marriage with other cultures that would have erased their faith in God and keeping his promises).

   Finally there is COST.  Jesus said, "No greater love is this, that a man should lay his life down for his friends!".  The price God would ultimately pay for us would be his own Son.  Abraham was once tested by God to sacrifice his own son on an alter.  This story was not just to show us Abraham's faith in God to save Isaac (he was promised by God that through Isaac Abraham would be made the father of a large nation) but also as a fore-shadow of the price God was willing to pay for his people.  Jesus allowed himself to suffer immensely to be with you forever.  The purpose of the cross is for God to demonstrate the SIZE of his LOVE for us.  Like the person, who looks at the gift and tries to estimate how much it cost you to buy or to make, we also look at the cross and evaluate it for it's cost and worth.  God reserved the most horrible form of death (a method so cruel it is not used anywhere in the world today) for his Son to show us the full depth and height of his love.

   So given these measurements, what Agnostic can say "God cares nothing for his creation" ?  Like that 60-year-old widow they must relent and acknowledge that there is zero chance God cares zero for them.  From there we must acknowledge the ridiculousness of our arguments and accept the TRUTH that God does love his creation fully. 

Thursday, November 15, 2018

No! It's not caused by Global Warming...

   Recently Governor Brown gave a speech at a news conference on the Camp Fire in California.  Here he spent much of his time placing the blame for the fire on Global Warming and used his speech to instill fear into us to get on board his agenda to control the climate.

   But sorry Mr Brown... the disastrous blaze in Northern California know as the "Camp Fire" was not caused by Global Warming.  The problem isn't a mysterious Boogie-man you try to use to push your agenda.

   The problem was caused by 3 main agents:

1)  Environmentalists
2)  Unions
3)  Lawyers

First the Environmentalists.   These people put pressure on California back in the 70's to end the clear-cutting of timber.   This has caused the over-growth of trees in our state and because our forestry service has done it's job of stopping the smaller fires, the uncut timber has become a ticking time-fire-bomb.   Trees do not last forever.   They, like everything else, die naturally and when they do they carpet the forest floor with dead and dry wood.  This wood, if not removed will pile up and become extremely flammable.   Once started, there is no stopping it.

The Unions played their part in this fiasco because over the years PG&E lineman have become overpaid.  Simple linemen can earn over $200K per year and a high voltage lineman can earn over $300K.    They also have large fully-funded pensions that include full medical and dental for life and also a 401K on the side that PG&E matches dollar for dollar.   These unions have forced PG&E to cut back on staff and have made it too expensive for them to replace their dying infrastructure. These power lines (some of which were only meant to be "temporary" ) are now falling apart.   These power line provide the "spark" to light the ticking-fire-bomb in our state.  We are foolish to think that all these high voltage lines can just live on forever.   They will eventually crumble and light more and more dangerous fires.   As proof that PG&E knows this is the problem, they have set up plans to shut off the power during certain conditions of high humidity and WIND.   That is the only solution PG&E has to address the problem.  It is CHEAPER for them to lose money by shutting of the power (can't charge people for power you didn't deliver) than it is to FIX their aging equipment.

Finally we have the lawyers.  All these disasters are followed by huge lawsuits levied against PG&E by the insurance companies.  Because they don't want to be held holding the bag on these burnt homes they go after PG&E to offset the cost.  But in the end, that leaves PG&E with even LESS money to fund fixing the problem.   This becomes a perfect storm in which everyone will be hurt in the end. 

California will continue to see increasing amounts of catastrophic fires in the coming years if this is not addressed.  The answer to the problem is not moving to Solar Panels.  The answer is two pronged.

First we must allow the timber industry to clear cut again.  This will remove the old growth and also provide fire-breaks that will stop future fires from ravaging uncontrolled.   We cannot continue to allow them to grow unchecked.  Before modern fire control, mother nature took care of it by periodically cleaning up the forests.   But now we don't let that happen.   Clear-cutting is our best alternative.  The wood in our forests will be used for something, we might as well put it to some GOOD use.   Right now it's only use is to devastate our citizens and fill our skies with smoke.

Next, we have to get PG&E to improve and update their aging lines.   Because of the current situation and how much it needs to be done quickly, the Governor should call out the National Guard to work along side of PG&E to assist in getting this much needed work done quickly and cheaply.

Monday, November 5, 2018

The Scientific Model doesn't make MATHEMATICAL sense

    People often don't realize, but there is really only ONE mathematical function in the universe.   and that function is none other than ADDITION.    Addition is the source function (or building block function) for all other functions. 

    Subtraction?        Addition of negative numbers

                                 Example:   4 - 3  =  4 + (-3)  = 1

    Multiplication?   Iterative Addition. 

                                Example:  4x3 = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3   OR  4 + 4 + 4

    Division?           Iterative Addition of negative numbers. 

                                 Example: How many times can you -3 to 12 ?  Answer: 4

    and so forth...

    Everything essentially boils down to to this function.

    And yet, when scientists try to explain why the Universe exists they wants us to believe that

                                                              0 + 0 = 1.  

They implore us to accept that something comes out of nothing.   Of course you can point to a myriad of complex functions that explain HOW the universe works, but that in no way explains WHY it is here at all.

    Science actually follows an ancient faulty method of thinking that was found in Egyptian Mythology.  In the Egyptian story of creation, Ra , the Sun god,  comes out of the Nile because Ra says,  "I knew my own name!".   This is the same faulty view used by scientists today that believe the Universe pulls itself out of nothing because the equations tell it do so.  But like any person who looks at the story of Ra, one cannot call themselves forth unless they first exists to call themselves forth.  The same goes with the scientific view.  The equations that govern the universe (and "create" it), cannot exist if the universe that they govern, does not first exist.  It's much like having automobile traffic laws BEFORE there are automobiles. It is also important to understand that having equations that describe how a universe works does not answer the more pressing question of WHY it works this way.  This is the "slight of hand" that most physicists do when discussing the beginning of the universe.  They say they will can explain why we are here but in the end of their thesis they have only explained how the universe functions and how it may have reached its current state of existence

   Genesis actually makes more logical sense.  It says,

                                  God + 0 = Universe.

   Here the equation can actually be balanced and make some numerical sense (if numbers is your thing).   The laws are created to govern the universe at the same time as the universe is created. Of course many will then ask, "Where does GOD come from?" to which the Christian can only reply, "From Eternity".    This is where none of us humans can possibly understand at any level.   We cannot fathom a world without time.   Even in movies like "Interstellar" which tries to bend our understanding of time, we cannot grasp its powerful hold on our lives.   God is outside that realm and no set of events can hold him or contain him.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Was Jesus a Socialist?

   I heard a story a while back in which a professor at a university made an astonishing statement that Jesus himself was a Socialist.   Granted, socialism didn't come about for about another 1800 years or so after Jesus ascension, but would Jesus have thrown his hat (or tunic) in with the Socialist crowd if he was around today?

   The idea stems from Jesus concern for the poor and downtrodden and that if Jesus was living on earth today he would want to align himself with others who also appear to be concerned with the poor and downtrodden.

But is that the case? 

   Looking at Jesus teachings we might come away with a different view.   Jesus words can be divided into 2 categories:  Parables (teachings) and Conversations (discussions).   Let's take a look at each of these and see if they align with a Socialist view or a Capitalist view.

   Jesus many parables use different groups of people to illustrate God's relationship to us and how we should relate to him and others.   Here are the different parables and the groups of people used to show our releationship

Lost Sheep :  Shepherd (God) , Sheep (us)
Lost Coin:    Woman (God),  lost coin (us)
Pearl of Great price:  Merchant (God), Pearl (us)
Hidden Treasure in a field:   Seeker (God),  treasure (us)
Workers in the Vineyard:  Owner (God), workers (us)
Vineyard and the renters :   Owner (God) , renters (us)
Prodigal Son : Father (God), sons (us)
The Giving of the Talents:   King (God), servants (us)
The Wedding Feast:   King (God the Father) , Son (God the Son), servants (us) , people (world)

In every case shown above the "owner" is God and he is always shown in a positive light.  The workers are often shown in a negative light as they are often shown to be "grumbling" (dissatisfied) or murderous and treacherous (killing the Son in the Parable of the Vineyard and the renters.  The owner is often shown to be generous and loving.   In the case of the Vineyard and the Workers, he gives the same amount of money to all the workers despite how many hours they worked in the field.   This would be the same as a business owner paying unequal wages to his workers. (not very Socialist).   In the story of the Giving of the Talents, the king gives his wealth to his servants in UNEQUAL amounts.   He gives 5000 to one, 3000 to another and 1000 to the third.  When he comes back the only one who gets chastised is the one who BURIED his wealth and did nothing with it.  If Jesus was a Socialist would he berate a person for not gaining wealth?   Wouldn't he berate the ones who doubled their wealth and not sharing with the guy who didn't do anything?

What about his Parable of the Good Samaritan?  Doesn't that point to Socialism?  Since the man who showed compassion on the injured person ,who was robbed and beaten, picked him and cared for him.  Doesn't that point to Socialism?   Looking closely at the parable, however, we do see somethings that don't line up with this view.  First of all, the Samaritan uses his own wealth to help and care for the man who is near death.   He uses his own oil and wine to clean his wounds, puts him on his own donkey and carries him to an inn and pays for his further care.   He doesn't round up people and go after the people who passed this man buy to get them to pay for his care.   This is where using this story to support "Jesus is a Socialist" view runs off the rails.

So in terms of his Parables, I think we can say that Jesus connection with the Socialist would be a big stretch of the imagination.

Conversations (discussions)
   So one, might argue that his Parables are just spring boards for his teachings and we can't see much into his view of how we ought to be towards each other.  For example, Jesus is asked a question about paying taxes to Caesar.   Jesus says, "Give unto Caesar that which is Caesars and give unto God that which is Gods!".    Here Jesus shows us that as his followers we should "give" to whoever that asks us.  If the government asks for our money we should give it and if God has need of our money then we should give it too. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Socialism and Capitalism are the same....sort of

    It's interesting how 2 very different ideas can find a common ancestry at their core when you look at them.  On their outsides they operate very differently.   Socialism is about control whereas Capitalism is about no control.   But on their insides, they both operate from the same basic human instinct....


   Greed is inherent in every human being.  Whether you come from an evolutionary direction or from a religious one.   An evolutionist would tell you that greed is a basic form of self protection and preservation.   The human doesn't know when or where their next meal is coming from, so it's better to "stock up" just in case there is a famine coming.   A religious person will tell you that greed is part of the human sinful condition.  The soul wants more for itself and nothing for their neighbor.  Whichever your view, greed is a common thread in all of us.

   But what makes the 2 "-isms" so different, is what you combine it with.   Like in chemistry where

         Sodium (Na)   + Chlorine (Cl) = SALT (NaCl) which the body needs to function.
         Hydrogen (H) + Chlorine (Cl) = Hydochloric Acid (HCl) which is a poison.

So also, it's not the GREED that is necessarily wrong but instead it's what you combine it with. 

  Capitalism combines greed + industriousness = a better world.    Under capitalism you get computers, phones, car, airplanes,  new materials, different kinds of food, and the list goes on..

   Socialism, on the other hand, combines  greed + laziness = theft.    Rather than creating new products and services it merely takes from those who are perceived to have too much and gives it to others it perceives as being more in need of it. 

  Socialism cannot  ever exist on its own.   It must live on the back of the Capitalist in order to survive.   Like a "sucker-fish" that lives its entire life stuck to the side of shark so also Socialism merely rides along taking what it wants without earning it.   Time and time again, we have seen socialist societies die after their parent organism stops providing for it.

What about Democratic Socialism?

  Is Democratic Theft more acceptable than plain old regular Theft?   What if we all voted to have your house ransacked?  Would that make you feel better about having your house broken into?  Democratic Socialism is really nothing new and has already been tried many times before.   The famous Greek philosopher, Plato, once said,  "Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner!".     This could not better illustrate the GREED + LAZINESS factors in Socialism.   The 2 wolves will undoubtedly be wanting more food for themselves (greed) and will want to gain that food using the least amount of energy to do it (laziness).   The same holds true today.  In my opinion, nothing can be more lazy than casting a ballot saying "I WANT MORE!" for a party that will promise you "MORE". 

But don't some people have too much?

   Yes, that may seem to be so.   That is the one danger of Capitalism.   But there is one corrective force in the world that limits this behavior.    That force is of course "death".   It corrects the distribution in 2 major ways.   First of all, none of us is "taking it with us".    Accumulated wealth is often redistributed shared because of death.  Even before the person dies, often they are engaging in lots of philanthropy to either quiet a bothered conscience or to some how insure their name will not be forgotten when they leave this earth.  Whatever the cause, the wealth gets broken down and shared with those who didn't earn it.   Buildings are built, parks are erected, foundations are created, research is funded and scholarships are awarded. 

   But this is not just something that the Uber-rich can afford to do either.   Even my wife and I have had many opportunities to benefit the poor from our "excess".   In recent years, my wife and I have decided to downsize our living arrangement now that our kids are living on their own.   I have made countless trips to Good Will and Salvation Army to unload the many items we have purchased over the years that we no longer have any need of in our lives.   We have given away, beds, dressers, bikes, computers, TVs, tons of cloths, shoes, coats, chairs, and the list goes on.   I estimate that if I had held on to all those items, my 3 car garage would be filled to the ceiling.  Right now, there are countless people out there using items we purchased at full price and are now using free of charge.   Right now those people are benefiting from our "excess". 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Separating the HOLY from the PROFANE

   You have probably seen the news articles about how the Catholic Church ignored problems regarding pedophile priests who preyed upon countless children over several decades.   It has even been reported that there is even a group of homosexual priests who have helped cover each others tracks that have infiltrated the church as well.   The church chose to ignore complaints about these men and are now paying the price.   Why did they choose to ignore?  Only God knows!   Maybe because in the modern era it's hard to recruit men to stay celibate for their entire life and they felt forced to take any and all applicants.  Maybe it was because they couldn't come to grips that leaders in their church could be so vile and the resulting court cases it might bring about on them.  Maybe it was a little of both.  What ever the cause, the effect is destructive none the less.

   Previously I wrote a blog called "Bowling for Sinners!" in which I show how Satan uses leaders to take out a whole host of sinners in one swoop.  Jesus told the disciples before he was to be crucified, "It is written, Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter!".   While he was speaking of his own death to come, I think he was also sending a message to his disciples to be on guard as well.   Their actions can cause the scattering of many of God's flock that they have been entrusted with.  He was informing them that they will have a big target on their backs by Satan to do the most BEWARE!

   We have all said (or heard it said), "How can a person who claims to be a Christian do such a thing?"   Usually this is followed with, "IF that is what it means to be a Christian then I don't want to have anything to do with it!".   Our problem is that as humans we have a problem of separating the holy from the profane.  We forget that we has humans are all sinners and we seriously mess things up no matter how holy it is.   It's like the GEICO commercial with the sloth playing Pictionary.   The tag line is , "If you're a sloth, you move slowly.   It's what you do!".  In the same manner we might say,

"If you are human, you mess things up.  It's what you do!".

   Let's take the US Constitution for example.   Most would say it was the greatest document ever devised by man.  It promotes the right to speak, the right to assemble, the right to believe, the right to print, the right to not be detained without a warrant or to have your possessions taken from you.  All of these are great ideals, but too often we fall short.   Take for example what President Roosevelt did during WWII.  FDR imprisoned citizens with Japanese ancestry unlawfully during the war because we had a fear they would not be loyal to our country.  Does this mean that the Constitution is flawed?  Of course not!   In fact, these problems only enhance it's need in our lives.  It shows us to be flawed humans who need to be reigned in and held accountable.   It's not the Constitution that needs to be changed, but our hearts and minds.  We later paid the survivors reparations for our misdeeds.

   Likewise, the issue of the pedophiles in the Catholic church should not take away from the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but in the eyes of those who are outside of the church it does.   Satan does quite a number on those judge God's truth by our actions or in-actions. It's been said that a little knowledge can be dangerous.  In this case, it is eternally dangerous for many have only a "little knowledge" of our faith and so judge it's "truth" as "falsehood" based on our sinful being.  They do not understand that God's GRACE is not changed by inability to conform 100% to his LOVE. 

  God knows this weakness in our nature.   He knows that people will judge HIM by OUR deeds or misdeeds.   It is WHY we should as Christ's Ambassadors "try" to live lives worth of our calling.  It's not to become more worthy in HIS eyes, but instead to not be a distraction to those who are yet to be called by his grace or a stumbling block to those who are "weak in faith".  At the same time we must always point to our own sinfulness and our own need of a savior and not make our lives the centerpiece of our faith.    It is truly a narrow road we must walk.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Saving the children

Most of us recently were paying close attention to what was happening in a cave in Thailand.   12 boys and a coach had gone into a cave and were forced to move further into the cave to escape the rising water from a Monsoon that had come through.  After several days, divers were able to locate them in a chamber that was several miles back.   How those boys must have felt being in that dark chamber thinking no one would ever be able to find them... let alone save them.   They must have felt completely hopeless and alone as they sat on that muddy cave slope.   As a kid, I used to go canoeing on the Current River in southern Missouri.   Every year my friends and I went to the same spots to have freeze-out competitions, cliff jumping, raft wars and then going into a large cave at the end.   This cave would go back almost a quarter mile (there was only one path so no fear of getting lost).   We would go back to the farthest chamber and then turn our flashlights off for 10 seconds.   To this day, that is the blackest darkness I have ever experienced (I still use that memory as a way to thwart a "sneeze" I don't want to come out).   Those 10 seconds seemed like an eternity to me. 

I can't imagine how they must have felt when that first scuba diver appeared.   The shear JOY they must have felt could not be replicated by the most seasoned Hollywood actor I am sure.  The cheers echoing off those cave walls must have been deafening. 

Their plight was not much different from our as humans on this earth.   We were trapped in our sins with no way out and a feeling that no one cared.    We, like these kids, wandered away from God and went places we should not have gone.   We were warned, but we felt we knew better.   Like those rescuers, God went searching for us and risking everything.   Jesus tells the parable of the lost sheep and how the shepherd "leaves the 99 and goes searching for the 1 lost sheep".  For these lost kids, the rescuers had to risk it all as well.   I am sure many of the divers who endured the treacherous 3 hour swim to their chamber had their own children to think of too.   The kids trapped in the cave were worth as much, if not more, than their own children sleeping safely in their own beds.   God risked it all too when he sent his son to come and save us.

 Do you think the scuba divers chastised them for being so foolish and stupid?    Do you think the first words out of their mouth was: "You stupid foolish boys!! Look what you put me through!  I could be home with my kids right now, but instead I have to endure 3 hours underwater and difficult conditions to come looking for the likes of you!  I should just leave you here!  You deserve what you get!  But I guess I will take it easy on you and tell others where you are at anyway!"

I doubt that was what he said to them.   I am sure he was calming with them and told them how happy he was to have found them.   He must have reassured them that they will get them out of the cave in due time and all we will okay.

Jesus, too, came and reassured us of what was to come.   He told us, "The Son of Man did not come into the world to condemn the world but to SAVE the world!".   In another verse Jesus says, "I have come that you might have LIFE and have it to the FULL!". 

Jesus, like those divers, just tells us to trust him.   The divers had to teach the boys how to scuba dive and take them though some of the most dangerous and dark water they would ever experience.   This dive was so difficult that even a seasoned Thai Navy SEAL died in the process.   Now they would need to help get 11-16 year boys through the same water.   One person said that in the most treacherous part, the water is like swimming through black coffee.   They needed the boys to trust that they would lead them out.  Jesus too asks us to trust him to lead us out of this world.   He, like the diver, has already "swam through death" for us and we can know for sure we are in good hands and like those boys, joined with our waiting families on the other side.

The divers must have told the boys right before they left the chamber what they would be facing.  They must have reminded them that even in the darkest water, they would be right there with them  and they would be connected to them with a tether-line at all times.    Right before Jesus ascended he said, "Truly I am with you ALWAYS!  Even unto the end of the world!".   In another verse he says, "My Father holds on to his children and nothing can take them from his hand!".    We are baptized in Christ Jesus and we are tethered to him now and into eternity.   

Jesus is with us though the blackest black that life can throw at us.  Failed marriages, lost jobs, cancer, addiction, loss of loved ones, hatred, scorn, loneliness, not being understood, fear.   Through all of these he is tethered to us and can lead us out.

He just bids us to "Come follow me!"

Monday, June 18, 2018

In the long term Hedonism cannot survive

   My wife and I love to watch "Wheel of Fortune" (we almost don't miss an episode).   At the beginning Pat Sajak goes around and interviews each contestant to find out where they are from, what they do, who they are married to, etc..   I personally use this information to choose who to root for.  We don't bet on it but it makes it more interesting.   I have a few deciding factors that help me decide.  If they are from the Chicago area, a government employee or a lawyer I automatically put them in the "don't root for" category.   One thing that used to put them in the don't-root-for list was if they said they were "proud parents of 2 (or more) fur-babies" (cat's, dog's, rabbits etc).   This phase is being used more and more by the Millennial generation.  In fact, research is showing married couples under 35 are more likely to have pets than children.

    This used to bother me but now I see it as a blessing.   I see our country divided differently today.   It's heathen verses non-heathen.   In a hedonistic society everything is about YOU.  It's all about YOUR pleasure.  It's all about YOUR life.  It's all about YOUR career.  It's all about YOUR experiences.  For non-believers the world is a very scary and short-lived place.   It's all about sucking all the marrow out of life that you can before you are turned back into dirt.   This fear guides all your decisions.   You feel you have to get all your ducks in a row before you can even BEGIN to think about kids.  You need your career in place.  You need to get your 401k fully-funded.  You need to get your McMansion set up and see all the major sites in the world because kids take that away from you.  First they date for 5 years, then they live together for 5 years, then they get married and live another 5 years before they start to the process of making babies.   But then you find your 38 years old and your eggs aren't worth crap or his sperm count is diminished to almost nothing because of all the "stress" you endured working for the McMansion and the career.   For many young couples today pets replace children.  They dote on them, train them, feed them, take pictures of them and show them off to others.  They are cheaper too.   No clothes to buy (unless you feel you need to), no college to save for, no piano lessons or dance recitals to go to.   No nasty notes from the teacher that require you to have meetings with them.   If you need to run off to Bora Bora then it's off to the kennel for them.   Easy Peasy!

    I looked around me and made an interesting observation.   The only young couples around me that I saw having kids were Christian couples.    You see, they are not living in fear of the future.  God has their back and their children.   He is with them all the way.   The Bible says, "Perfect love drives out fear!".  That is what God does in our lives.  He drives out fear much like Jesus drove the money changers from the temple who were making God's house a den of thieves.   They are not living in fear of death for they know there is much more that awaits them after death.  God has promised and has made it known to us by the resurrection of Jesus from the grave.

   But that observation showed me that there in lies the answer to hedonism.  Ultimately hedonism is it's own worst enemy.  The heathens encourage their side to not have children.  They tell them that they can have it all without children and the world will be better off too.   But this means that the heathen eventually will die off and it will be the non-heathen (the Christians) who will repopulate society.    It may take 2 generations but eventually things will change.   Currently our country is still dealing with the most Hedonistic generation to have ever lived: the baby-boomer generation.  This generation is now moving into their end-years and are now in it's final convulsions of trying to accomplish all they can before they take their last breath.  Baby Boomer 1.0 gave birth to Baby-Boomer 2.0 which felt families should only have 1 or 2 children.   Now Baby-Boomer 3.0 is being taught to have 0 or 1 child or not get married at all (most 20 year old are living together instead of getting married).   Eventually the hedonist generation and their ill-thought-views will be wiped from the face of the earth like a nightmare that is soon forgotten. 

    Hedonism is really the source of it's own destruction.   

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

He stinks!

    One of my favorite verses from the Bible is Mary speaking to Jesus about her brother Lazarus lying in the grave.   She tells Jesus, "Lord!  He's been in the tomb for 4 days now and he stinks!"  ( the KJV says , 'He stinketh!' )

    The story of Lazarus is a deeply emotional one.  There is so much there to unpack for one blog.  First we have Jesus waiting to go back to Bethany after he here's that Lazarus is sick.  By the time he does show up, Lazarus has been dead and buried 4 days.   Mary's first words to Jesus are, "Lord if you had been here Lazarus would not have died!".   Was that a proclamation of faith or was that an indictment of Jesus?   It's very hard to say.   I think it's a little bit of both.  Mary is being nice and venting at the same time it seems.    She had seen Jesus heal many people.  Maybe she even saw him raise Jairus' daughter who had just died.  Why didn't he hurry back in time to help a person who he was close to?   Jesus uses this as an opportunity to teach Mary about his mission and who he his.  He says to her,
 "I am the resurrection and the life!  He who believes in me, though he dies, yet shall he live!"
   He then asks to see where they have laid him.   Jesus already knows where they have put him, but he wants Mary to show him.  When they arrive, Jesus first prays to the Father and then asks that the tombstone be rolled back.

   It is here, that Mary says those infamous words, "Lord, it's been 4 days and surely now he stinks!"
Mary thought that Lazarus was beyond the help of God.   His flesh was rotting and being eaten by maggots.   Death can be like watching a slowly dying fire.  When a person has just died,  nothing changes.  Like the fire, we may still feel the warmth of the flame.  There is still hope the fire could be re-ignited.   But like a fire that has not only been out for a long time but has had water put on it as well we eventually give up all hope in them coming back to life.  Mary was in that place too.  She had lost all hope in Lazarus coming back any time soon.   Jesus then calls out in a loud voice, "Lazarus!  Come out!"  and Mark records that immediately the dead man came out. 

   Who do we think stinks?   Who do we think is beyond the help of God?   Maybe it's a family member?  Or a co-worker?  Or a neighbor?  Maybe it's a politician we don''t like or a famous person who mocks Christianity?   We might case them off as un-save-able and too far gone.   But Jesus stands at the doorway of their tombs and calls them out of their dark dungeons of despair.    He calls US out of OUR tombs.   Places were our flesh is rotting and we have no life in us and all seems to be lost.   He beckons us to come out and be with him.

    Jesus prayer to the Father is also important to look at as well.  First, it shows that Jesus does nothing on his own accord, but only with the Father's blessing.   Second, it shows that both the Father and the Son are in the life giving business.  Too often Christians make the mistake of thinking the Father is against us, and that because his son Jesus is for us, then God the Father kind of goes along with him on saving the world (A sort of cosmic puppy Jesus brings to the Father to bring home with him... "Can we keep him Father?").   But that is so far from the truth.  The Father and the Son work together to bring Lazarus back from the dead.   They are both in the life giving business.  They both love us.  (Jesus said, 'I and the Father are ONE!')

     Later in the book of Acts, Saul the persecutor becomes Paul the missionary.  Shortly after Jesus confronts him on the road to Damascus, Saul is sent to Damascus and Jesus sends Ananias to go and give him sight back (Saul had been blinded).   Ananias says to Jesus, 'Lord, I have heard many reports about this man and all the harm has has done to your holy people in Jerusalem.  And he has come here with authority from the chief priests to arrest all who call upon your name!'.    Does Jesus need Ananias report on Saul to remind him who he is dealing with??   No.  Of course not!   Jesus knows fully who he's dealing with.   He knows Saul even better than Ananias thinks he does.   Ananias is basically saying, "God, this man Saul is too far gone! You can't be serious!"

    How many people do we say are too far gone?   How about Obama?  How about Hillary?  How about Bill Clinton?  How about Trump?    Who is too much for God to change?   Do we pray for them?

   Maybe it's you?   Do you think you are too far gone.  Do you feel un-save-able?  The Bible is chuck-full of stories like yours.   From Abraham, (a liar, an adulterer and a idol-worshiper) to Jacob (who tricks his father, extorts his brother to give him the inheritance) to Moses (a murderer) to Jonah (who runs from responsibility and from God) to David (an adulterer and a murderer) to Peter (a blasphemer who abandons Jesus) to Saul who later becomes Paul (a blasphemer, murderer, violent man).   All are forgiven and shown abundant mercy.   Do you think you stink more than them? 

Listen to Jesus call out your name!  He calls you out of the tomb of your despair and hopelessness!! You will stink no more!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

When lost: Up is better than down

   When I became a hunter in California I had to take a Hunter Safety Class.   The class didn't just deal with "gun safety" but also safety in the woods.   Most hunting in California is up in the Sierra Mountains which is mile upon mile of untouched forest far away from human inhabitants.  It's very easy when you start going after a deer in the woods to get lost and disorientated.  Being lost can be a very scary feeling.  Your heart begins to pump fast. You begin to move a bit faster than normal.   Noises become more acute all around.  Panic sets in.   You feel you must get to safety as fast as possible. Adrenaline pumps through your veins which clouds your mental processes.  In some cases people who are lost even begin to leave behind critical equipment they might need because they feel weighed down by those items and they are not thinking straight.

    What most people do when they get lost in the woods is they go DOWN HILL.  They think downhill will lead to homes, roads, cities.   But out in the woods, mostly it leads to canyons and dangerous rivers.  I always say, "Gravity can be a bitch!".   Gravity pulls you down hill.   It's easier and less effort on your part.   One time a friend of my son that was hunting with us (his first time ever) he got separated and he kept walking down hill.   He even walked right past a very well marked hiking trail because he was panicking.  We eventually found him by firing our guns to let him know where we were and were able to rescue him.

   We were told by our instructors you must fight this desire to go down and instead walk UP HILL!   By going up hill we do three things for ourselves.  First going uphill burns off that energy our bodies generate from all the fear and panic we have.   It slows us down.   We have to stop periodically to catch our breath.  This keeps us from making rash decisions.   Second, it gets us to higher ground where we can get perspective of where we are at and where we can go to get help.   Maybe we see a house, or a road in the distance.   Maybe we see a familiar landmark.   This gives us HOPE which is a powerful feeling when one gets lost.  Hope that you have a direction and you are in control of your situation.   Finally, it provides a way for others to FIND you.  A search helicopter can easily spot you on the top of a treeless hill rather than down in a brush filled canyon.

   This doesn't only apply to hunting and hiking but also to our world.   We live in a world where we can easily get lost as a society.    The world is a big scary place and we panic in our searching for solutions.  It's always easier to go DOWN in society than it is to go UP.

   Take for example: abortion.   I agree that our world is not fair when it comes to women and childbirth.  Men can walk away from a baby and women cannot.   We must realize that when a woman gets pregnant their hormones are generated to bond the mother to the unborn child.  Hormones are very emotionally powerful chemicals in our bodies (I learned this when I became extremely low Testosterone at a very early age of 40 and I felt like crap).   So we have 2 bars set a different levels for men and women when it comes to babies.   Men are not only less emotionally attached to children, they physically don't have to carry the baby for 9 months and can move on.  Women, on the other hand, cannot simply leave the child.    So hear we have the classic "lost in the woods" situation.  How do we level the bars between the sexes?   What do we do?   We have 2 choices here.

    First we could go down hill and lower the bar for women and allow them an easy way to leave the child and emotionally divorce themselves from the situation.   Simple...right?   But going down you lose something.   You lose a part of you that you were given.   To become more like MEN you must LOSE that which makes you a WOMAN.  Your emotional strength and emotional connection to the world and to children.   An abortion robs you of something God gave you to make you unique.  Our world and society loses when we require women to act more like men.  Our world needs both woman and men.  It has also been found that women who have abortions are much more likely to suffer from chronic depression.   The downhill path leads to more downhill paths.

   The second choice is to RAISE the bar on men and hold them accountable for their actions.  Especially in today's world of DNA testing we can 100% prove who is the father and make them financially supportive.   But that is a harder path.  It's UP HILL.   It requires the courts to step in and to enforce the laws we already have in place.   It requires society to stop giving men a pass on these pressing issues (here's an idea! Let's fine men $10,000 per child to pay for the mothers maternity doctor visits and delivery).  Why should they get a free ride and force the women in our world to pay the price?

    This uphill path also gives women opportunity to slow down and reassess their choices in life and make better choices.  It can give them HOPE as well.  Hope that they have done the right thing and given someone a chance at life (even if they put the child up for adoption) and they took a lemon and made lemonade.   Pregnancy can also be away for others to know you need help.   Like the lost hunter standing up on a hill waiting for a helicopter to fly over, pregnancy is often hard to hide and society often instinctively wants to step in an help where it can and give aid.   But like the hunter that goes down into the steep canyon and cannot be "found", so also the woman who chooses abortion hides her pain in secret, never able to let others know she's lost and in need of help.

   We must be like the lost person in the woods and fight the urge to take the easier route in our choices because those choices can leave us more lost than we started as a society.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Universal Constants

    From the very creation of Physics, certain things were thought to be unchangeable.  When Newton first developed the laws of physics he said that mass, time and space never change.  It seemed reasonable that these aspects of the universe were unalterable.  The mass of an object should not change and everyone who measures the mass should measure the same amount (note: he never defined what "mass" was).  Time also, should be unchangeable and it too should always be measured the same by everyone everywhere.   It makes sense!  Why would your watch run different from mine?  Space as well should not change.  If my ruler is the same length as yours, why shouldn't we both measure the same distance?  It all makes sense!

   250 years later Einstein showed that mass,space and time are not constants at all, but the speed of light ("c") is a constant and is measured the same by all observers despite what speed or direction they are going.   For 250 years the scientists were wrong, they just didn't know it yet.   At first Einstein was lambasted for his ideas.   Did he think he was greater than Newton??    Yet, eventually he was proven right anyway.

   Sometimes we are like that to God.  What makes sense to us is not what makes sense to God.   What we think matters to God, really doesn't matter to God at all.  In mathematics we refer to a variable that has no effect on another variable as being an "independent variable".   The function "y" is not altered by this variable.   Take for example,

    y = 5x + w

    The function below has two variables: x and w.  If I asked you what effect does "s" have on the function you would have to say that y is independent of s as it doesn't even factor into the equation.

    In the Psalms, David often writes about the "steadfastness" of God's love.  It is steady and strong no matter what we do.  It is "independent" of our actions or lack of love.  It doesn't change.  It's constant like the speed of light.   What we think changes God's love of us, doesn't really change it at all.   We think God should be like us.  Makes sense right?   But like Newton, what makes sense isn't always reality.

   I remember when I had to fly down to Southern California because my son had crashed his car into a tree.  It was the 3 am phone call you don't want to get as a father.  Our son was always a handful and a challenge at times to raise (he would even agree to that).  I remember vividly walking into that hospital room and seeing him laying there with his head all stitched up and his arm in a sling.  I remember feeling nothing but love for him at that moment.  Not disappointment.  Not despair.  Not anger.    Just love.   His actions had no bearing on my feelings for him.  I would always love him no matter what.

   God loves you too.... no matter what! 

Sunday, April 22, 2018


We've all heard the phrase "a little knowledge can be dangerous". The same could be true for Christianity. Knowing a little bit about Jesus can be dangerous and that it prevents us from digging deeper and developing A closer relationship with him. It's sort of like being inoculated. When we went to inoculate somebody from a deadly disease we give them a dead form of that same virus that causes the body to react to learn about it just a little bit so that when the real thing comes along the body can attack it and prevent it from spreading throughout the rest of the body. The same happens with Jesus. Some people feel that they know all about him. Maybe they took a class in college or high school in which they spent maybe a chapter on Christianity. Or maybe they even went to church for a brief time when they were young they may have even been confirmed and feel that they know enough and that's all they need and they can go on. So that when the Holy Spirit comes in their lives and tries to develop a deeper relationship between them and Jesus their immune to it they feel that they know enough I don't need to dig any deeper they don't need to spend any time in his word they know what Christianity is all about. That little knowledge they have is really preventing them from going any further. They essentially have a "dead form of faith" which passes off as "being religious" and fools them into a false sense of security.  

Monday, April 16, 2018

The History books don't matter

    A phrase President Obama liked to use a lot in his speeches was "They will be on the wrong side of history".   It was meant as a way of saying, "We can't do anything about their actions now, but history will not be kind to them and will right the wrong later".   When Russia invaded the Ukraine, Obama said this of them as a way trying to scold Vladimir Putin into rethinking his decision. 

   One has to wonder about this issue of being on the "right side of history".  If I am an atheist and don't believe in a life after death, why should I care what the history books right about me?  I don't exist anymore and I won't be able to care what they write about me anyway.    Does Hitler care?  Stalin?   Mao?  Do you think Putin will care when he is gone?

    But if there is a heaven and hell, it's NOT the history books that I will be mostly concerned with when I am gone.  It will be a different set of books God has that will be of much larger concern to me.   In the previous case, the history books are essentially moot and powerless.  In the later case, God's books have a lot to say about us.

 In Revelation 20:12, the Apostle John writes in,
12 And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books....
15 Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.
    God keeps 2 sets of books, much like businesses keep ledgers with credits and debits being tracked.  On God's books it's much the same.  One one side is the list of all our sins we have committed, and on the other is the sins paid for by God's own Son JESUS CHRIST!  For those, who are baptized in Christ Jesus they are made alive in him and pass from death to life.  Not in some future time, but RIGHT NOW!   We have nothing to fear as we die.  Our names are written not only in the Book of Life,  but in God's own hands.  800 years before Christ, the Prophet Isaiah wrote,
“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne?  Though she may forget, I will not forget you!  See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands!

   Our names are not written in "pencil" in the Book of Life, but are written in the blood Christ shed on the cross for us!