Often Atheists get caught with the absurdity of their views and are forced to concede that there "may be a God" and fall back into a deeper trench called Agnosticism. They concede that the world is too complex to have evolved 100% on its own and that at some point the universe must start with nothing and become something. But in order to stay on the thrones of their own kingdoms they entrench themselves into an even more absurd view of the universe that God may have created this world but has no care of concern for it at all.
I am reminded of a doctor named Dr. Amen who is a medical doctor who specializes in neurology and psychiatry. He was treating a woman who as dealing with depression and was a 60 year-old widow. She told him, "No one will want to be with a 60-year-old woman like me". He confronted her assertion, saying "Really? There are 6 billion people on the planet and not ONE man out there would want to spend their life with you?". She realized how wrong that assertion was and decided to change her assertion to, "There must be as least ONE person out there who would like to spend their life with a 60-year-old woman". From there she moved to "There is someone out there for me!".
You see, the probability of there being ZERO men out there for her was ZERO PERCENT. It changed her outlook completely.
The same can be said for the Agnostic. The agnostic may think they have created a spiritual "safe space" for themselves when in reality they have opened themselves up for God to work in their lives. Using the same method as Dr. Amen, one must confront the Agnostic with their rational that "God doesn't care at all about his creation". Really? God cares ZERO about his creation? What is the probability that God cares ZERO about his creation? Answer: ZERO PERCENT. So God DOES care about the universe... he cares about you therefore since you are part of that creation. Now the question become "HOW MUCH DOES HE CARE?"
How do you measure if someone cares for you? Often we use their behavior as a sign of their feeling for us. If they want to spend time with us we say they care some for us. But we know that time alone is not enough. Just because a person spends time conversing with us does not mean they "care for us" for it may be they like spending time with us because it fills a hole in their lives. People who work in soup-kitchens often find themselves there because working their makes them feel better about themselves and not because the people they find there are of better communication or enjoyment. But spending time is a way we can quantify some small level of concern or love for us.
The next way we measure their concern for us is how far they come to be with us. If our neighbor next door comes over to say "hi" that has a different value to us than a friend to spends money on a plane ride and the spends 6 hours sitting in cramped conditions and forgoes time spent elsewhere to be with us. How often have we said, "I can't believe they traveled all the way out here to be with ME!".
Right after distance we use cost to measure ones concern and love for us. Granted we do make allowances for those who don't have as much to spend such as relatives who have limited savings to pull from to make the trip to see us. But we look at how these people compensate for their lack of funds or how they utilize what they have to let us know they love us. It could be a card, a gift or a simple letter or phone call. We measure these in cost of not just money but "time" (there's that time factor again) but also "effort". Those who are poorer use their effort to show their love. Have you ever received a hand-made-gift? A gift that took some simple ordinary and inexpensive materials and turned them into something unique and special?
These then are the measuring sticks for determining if someone cares for you: Time, Effort and Cost.
So how do we measure God's care and concern for us?
Let's look at TIME. God began his journey with Adam several thousand years ago. He later furthered his time with man through Abraham some 4000 years ago. From Abraham he worked with prophets and kings to let us know he was there for us and had a plan for us. Then at the completion of time he sent his son Jesus to spend REAL-TIME with us here on earth. He has been with us ever since too. Jesus said, "I will not leave you as orphans but will send the Holy Spirit to be with you and comfort you". He is still here!
Next let's look at EFFORT. Jesus left everything in heaven to be with us. Like that good friend that leaves everything to take a plane to fly a far distance just to be with you, God left everything behind to be with YOU. But let's not also forget all the effort God put into place to get Jesus to earth. He worked through Abraham and the Jewish people through thousands us years of backsliding and unfaithfulness to him by worshiping other gods. He protected them from constant annihilation and destruction both physically (attacks by Assyrians, Philistines, Hittites, Babylonians, Greeks and Romans) and spiritually (inter-marriage with other cultures that would have erased their faith in God and keeping his promises).
Finally there is COST. Jesus said, "No greater love is this, that a man should lay his life down for his friends!". The price God would ultimately pay for us would be his own Son. Abraham was once tested by God to sacrifice his own son on an alter. This story was not just to show us Abraham's faith in God to save Isaac (he was promised by God that through Isaac Abraham would be made the father of a large nation) but also as a fore-shadow of the price God was willing to pay for his people. Jesus allowed himself to suffer immensely to be with you forever. The purpose of the cross is for God to demonstrate the SIZE of his LOVE for us. Like the person, who looks at the gift and tries to estimate how much it cost you to buy or to make, we also look at the cross and evaluate it for it's cost and worth. God reserved the most horrible form of death (a method so cruel it is not used anywhere in the world today) for his Son to show us the full depth and height of his love.
So given these measurements, what Agnostic can say "God cares nothing for his creation" ? Like that 60-year-old widow they must relent and acknowledge that there is zero chance God cares zero for them. From there we must acknowledge the ridiculousness of our arguments and accept the TRUTH that God does love his creation fully.
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