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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The ONE thing evolution cannot explain....

     I have seen many proposals from Christians who try to take on the Theory of Evolution.  Most of these proposals play the game I call "Stump the Evolutionist" in which very complex systems we see are shown to the Evolutionist and then dared to find a way to show how such a complex system could possibly come about.   Whether it's the Bombardier Beetle, or Blood Clotting or the Process of Vision the end result to the person who believes in Evolution is the same.  All they do is re-iterate in the voice of Carl Sagan, "Billions and billions of years!"  and off they go shaking their heads.

    The problem as I see it is not playing "Stump the Evolutionist" in the first place.   Or at least not playing by their rules.  If I want to prove the Law of Thermodynamics wrong, I don't come up with some complex Rude Goldberg machine, instead I find something that violates the laws of thermodynamics.  What is needed is not some highly complex system, but instead a system or species that exists that BREAKS the rules of Evolution and yet.... for some reason.... is still here.  Such a system does exists and it's all around us.

    First you have to understand the basic rules of Evolution.  They are pretty simple rules.

  1. Live as LONG as possible (i.e. don't get eaten)
  2. Make as MANY copies of yourself as possible  (have lots of sex)
  3. Do all of this using the LEAST amount of energy (if you can escape a predator with camouflage then hide)
     So what exists all around for billions of years and yet for some reason violates these laws?   The answer is simple:  the difference in the sexes and their desire for sex.

      Throughout our world, wherever there are male and female of a species, the male side wants to have sex and it wants it all the time.  Whereas the female, on the other hand, does not want sex all the time and actually forces the male to perform sometimes trivial tasks before mating.  These tasks, might be singing, dancing, gift-giving and fighting.  All of these violate rules 2 & 3 of Evolution and yet are still here.   It doesn't make sense that after billions of years of playing this game, no species has figured out the best and easiest way to win the game is to produce a species where both the male AND the female want to have sex all the time.    If a species did, they would out produce any competitor species that is limiting its reproduction to a few days a year and only after some energy wasting processes has been accomplished.

      Now some evolutionists, would say that the system of female sex limitations would possibly create a stronger mate or stronger children.   But most species (and I would even throw in humans) are not future driven in their picking of mates.  They are not looking at a mate and thinking about their great-great-grand-children and how strong they will be.  Evolution does not have the LONG view of life but only the here and now.   So you can't use the argument that the difference of the species comes from that.

      The difference in males and females is what we call in engineering a "negative feedback loop" (NFL).  Most people who don't have a science background would think that positive feedback loops (PFL) are good and NFL's are bad, but actually it's the other way around.   PFL's explode and run out of control eventually.  Take for example the famous Tacoma Bridge Collapse back in the 1950's.   Tacoma Washington had built a bridge that was a small version of the Golden Gate Bridge.   Because of it's smaller size it was more susceptible to lift from wind.   The cross section of the bridge mirrored that of a planes wing and experienced lift from air-pressure difference. This lift was then countered by the tension of the road and it would swing back down.  This caused a "feedback loop" which resonated and the lifting and falling became more and more pronounced until the bridge collapsed altogether.

      Male and Females relationship needs are a NFL.   Men want physical love and Women want emotional love.   I am not saying Men don't love emotional love (sharing, caring, talking etc) it's just not as big of a kick to us.  On a scale of 1 to 10, its' about a 5 or 6 but sex is a 10 all the time.  Women on the other hand, give emotional love a 10 and sex more of a 5 or 6.   This means that when men give emotional love, the immediate feedback to them is not all that great so there is not immediate "Wow! Let's do this again!".   It's only when the woman returns it with sex that he gets his big payday.  The same is for the woman.  She doesn't get a big WOW out of sex (not to the same level as the man) but when it's returned with lots of sharing of feelings, thoughts, expressions of love she gets her real payback.   Of course, neither is going to be willing to DOUBLE their efforts to get more in return, because what they have to give they are not really good at doing or get a real immediate satisfaction from doing. 

    That is the Negative Feedback Loop in action.

     What is interesting is that the Rules of Evolution would never produce this NFL on it's own.    Left to itself, it would only produce the PFL because that answers all the rules with best possible outcome. This is what we should get in our world, yet we see none of that.

    Why is that?

     Genesis gives us the clue, "And God made them male and female".   It is an engineered system and not a randomly evolved system.  Natural system move towards PFL's and engineered systems know to stay clear of these and move towards NFL's.   Only an all-knowing God would know to create such a wonderful and self-balancing and self-regulating system.

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