If you want to piss someone off simply tell them: "You don't matter!" Instantly you will have a fight on your hands. We saw this when the whole "Black Lives Matter" movement came out and was met with "All Lives Matter" as a response. Later this was followed with "Blue Lives Matter". We all want to MATTER. We all want to be heard and listened to and our needs met.
The purpose of the Electoral College is very simple: To preserve the UNION. We are the the United STATES of America and not the United Peoples of America. That is really what is at issue here. The states elect the President and not the PEOPLE. The States created the Federal Government by coming together and writing the Constitution and ratifying it in their state legislatures back in 1791. Our Constitution is about preserving our UNION of STATES pure and simple. Our founding father recognized that not all our states are the same. Some are more rural and some are more urban in nature. They each have unique needs and wants that need to be balanced. They saw the growth of the urban states. They knew that the urban states would have a majority vote over the rural states without any care of their needs. If left unchecked, this would eventually lead to civil war and a dissolving of our union. In a sense, it's purpose to say to the Federal government: ALL STATES MATTER!
To illustrate this, imagine family of five: a mother, a father, two boys and girl. Imagine that to make decisions in the family they use a purely democratic system of voting. It is a true statement that women have unique needs and wants that are many times different from that of men. Let's say in our hypothetical family, they want to decide where to go on vacation. The males may want to go camping and fishing whereas the females may want to go to the city and see museums. In their democratic system, the males would always out vote the females and get their way. Year after year the women would be subjected to camping outdoors and smelly fish. Other decisions as well during the year would not go their way. Where they eat, what they do, what movies they see, what TV shows they watch etc would all be ruled by the men because they are in the MAJORITY. Our Founding Fathers referred to this as the "tyranny of the majority". The majority isn't always right and shouldn't always get their way. In our family example, it would be better for the sake of harmony (and to prevent divorce) that the men give up their majority rights and do what the women in the family want to do. It too is about preserving the UNION. The union of the family in this case.
Our country is much like this family in that the majority is not always right. All voices, like those of the rural states need to be listened to as much as those of the large urban communities. Just like the men in the our family example aren't always right and it wouldn't hurt them to go to the city and see some museums from time to time. So also, our country needs to listen to the right and do things their way from time to time. It's all about preserving our UNION of STATES so we don't resort to separation because a large group of states no longer matters anymore. Just look at the state of California. While they are talking about seceding from the union (over an election), at the same time several northern counties in their own state are talking about seceding from the state of California to become their own state because they no longer matter either.
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