A common phrase heard when someone is trying to sell you on a "free government handout" is "There's no such thing as a FREE Lunch!". Meaning simply, someone somewhere has to eventually pay for the program no matter how "free" it is.
The same can be said about facts of our physical world. In physics there are some very basic laws you just cannot violate no matter how hard you try. The most basic one is Newton's 1st Law of Energy which simply says "Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but only changed in form". You can channel it into other forms but you cannot add to it or subtract it. For example a ball held above the floor has a certain amount of built in energy. Potential energy from gravity pulling at it along with Thermal Energy inside the ball (measured with temperature) and of course Mass Energy (E=mc2). If I drop the ball it gains Kinetic energy and loses Potential Energy at the same rate. If it hits the floor some of the Thermal Energy might move from the ball to the floor (if the floor is cooler) or some of the impact energy might go into Thermal energy of the ball and cause it to gain Thermal Energy.
But whatever way you slice it, the total amount of energy ALWAYS stays the same.
You can't fool Mother Nature (or Newton's Laws)
So what does this have to do with anything a regular person needs to care about?
A lot actually.
In our world today we are constantly trying to beat Mother Nature at her own game and we think in some way we have but when looked at from afar we see really nothing is changed. We didn't cheat Mother Nature at all. We simple re-directed its energies to other things.
Take for example, Genetically Modified fruits and vegetables. We can engineer a better looking
tomato or one that can last a harsh shipping environment better or be more resistant to bugs or mold, but the energy needed to produce that fruit had to come from somewhere. Back in the late 1990's I would go to the store to buy vegetables and would buy these things that looked LIKE tomatoes (they were red in color and round and about the size of a baseball). But when you took them home and cut them open they would have nothing but water inside them. I called them Styrofoam Tomatoes because that is what they tasted like. They had no flavor at all and I stopped buying them. It turned out that the tomato growers liked these tomatoes because they had stronger inside walls and outside layer to withstand shipping without being damaged. That's great if you want to use them as packing peanuts but as something for a sandwich or salad forget about it. Here you see the energy that was normally used to create sugars and other nutrients was diverted an put to use in building a stronger tomato. You gave up something for another. Energy was diverted from one use to another use. There was no free lunch here.
The same happens when food engineers create plants that produce MORE food per plant to increase profits. For example if I create an corn plant that has 4 ears of corn per plant instead of 3, I have increased production of corn by 33%. But if that corn plant is still getting the same amount of water, air and sunlight where did the energy come from to produce that 33% more kernels? It had to come from somewhere on the plant. Maybe it came from the nutrient value of the corn? Maybe from the starch or fiber in the corn. Maybe from the disease protection inside the corn plant? Somewhere there was a trade off and many times we won't find out where until its too late. Like when a fungus infestation begins to destroy acre upon acre of corn plants. Again, nature provides no free lunch buffet.
How about all those time-saving gadgets we've created? Let's take the microwave oven for
example. On the surface we saved lots of time cooking home made meals. We could go to the store and buy all kinds of pre-cooked foods and just pop them into the microwave oven and POOF! We have an instant meal (and with moms and dads working longer hours to pay for those taxes children needed simpler meals that they could cook themselves). But looking back now we see that all those simple ready to eat meals came with all kinds of added sugars, carbs and chemicals. Those easy-to-prepare-foods came with a price tag of easy-to-put-on-pounds-of-fat. To fix this we have had to go to they gym and spend countless hours and energy to take off those pounds of fat. Or if this was too hard to do, we had to buy new bigger clothes and spend thousands of dollars in medical bills for high blood pressure and Type-2 diabetic medications. No energy was saved. Energy was just diverted from cooking to other uses.
So often we are sold the idea we can have "BOTH-AND" when it comes to advancements in technology or when it comes to government programs. We can have BOTH good food AND plentiful food. We can have BOTH large amounts of food and AND good nutritional food. We can have BOTH high paying jobs AND low unemployment. In reality much of our world is an EITHER-OR basis. We EITHER get good food OR lots of bad food. We EITHER get food that cooks fast OR food that is good for you (and your waistline). We EITHER get high wages OR we get low unemployment. Trade offs have to be made. Choices have to be evaluated and decided on. A price comes with our decisions and energy is redirected to other areas.
There is no such thing as a free lunch!
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