Now today, a series of videos of Planned Parenthood doctors has emerged showing them to be heartless bargainers of human tissue and organs for their own profit. We are horrified to see these woman doctors talk about the details of their work as they enjoy salads and glasses of wine. As they crunch on their salads they discuss how they can use "less crunchy methods" in order to harvest larger amounts of tissue for the buyers to purchase as if the product they are providing was apples or tomatoes and not human beings at all.
The vale has been pulled and many wish it was put back in place. Many wish they didn't know what they do now know. It was easier to pretend that the service rendered was that of removing a cancerous growth and not something with "hearts, lungs, kidneys, livers" which can be utilized for human medical research. Those who want us to feel "good" about these harvests would have us pretend that its for OUR good. They tell us, "Think of all the good these woman are doing! Think of all the countless lives they might save by offering these organs for medical research!".
Does that sound familiar? Did America not use that same argument for why slavery should be kept in place? Were our ancestors not given the same bull-shit lines of the economic necessity of slavery and how we were doing these uneducated brutes a better life here in America? Were they not told to "Turn away. Nothing to see here" as we are?
But thankfully our ancestors did not turn away. They faced their atrocities and went to war to end it all. They sought to correct their error in judgment and repair their humanity that had been lost. For you see, both the slave and the slave-owner were damaged by slavery. The slaves damage was to his body and his mind, but the slave-owner was damaged in his soul. Through the atrocities he inflicted he chipped away at his own soul and humanity until there was nothing left. By his mistreatment of another human being, he himself became less of a human being himself.
Likewise, in the abortion industry, there are 3 people being harmed at the same time: the mother, the child and the doctor. Do you think that Dr. Gosnell (the now infamous late-term abortion doctor who treated his female patients with such lack of medical care that he is now behind bars) went in to the medical profession to abuse woman the way he did? I don't think any person who goes into the field of medicine does so with the intentions of becoming a medical monster. But somewhere in the story of Dr. Gosnell, he went from a doctor wanting to help others to a doctors who cared for no one but himself. When and where that transformation occurred, only Dr. Gosnell knows, but now we see that abortion takes a toll on the human soul as well. Like the pounding waves of the ocean wearing away at the coast and turning the largest of rocks into pebbles and sand, so also aborting human life and disposing of arms, legs, feet with tiny toes, hands with tiny fingers, heads with eyes and ears developed chips away at your humanity until nothing is left.
I do not hate these woman on these videos who see nothing wrong with what they are doing. I feel sorry and lament for them as much as the little children they seek to sell to the highest bidder. I pray that they regain their humanity and see what they are doing as wrong. But now the question remains for the rest of us. Will we seek to regain our humanity and our soul or will we turn away and try to pretend that it never happened. Will we go on pretending that what is being extracted is just a gob of tissue that only turns into a live human being seconds upon entering the birth canal and exiting outside the mothers body or will we admit to ourselves that that miracle happens seconds after the joining of sperm and egg?
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