Imagine if YOU were that father and you were paying the price for your child's temper-tantrum. What is the likelihood that this child grows up to be a good, decent, well-adjusted, caring human-being? Not likely at all. Such a family where one parent allows all hell to break loose with no repercussions and the other wants to lower the boom cannot be good for the child. The child will of course cozy up to the lenient parent to get their way in the future. He will know who to turn to when life deals them heaps of problems from their bad choices and the lenient parent will never let the child grow up to be a responsible adult. They will keep him in perpetual childhood living in their shadow to protect them from the big bad world.
Now I must confess to you that the above story, never really happened. I wrote it as a parable to show what has happened in the city of Ferguson and what will transpire in the coming months and years.
The child:
Represents the rioters who took to the streets after not getting an indictment for the death of Mike Brown. These "boy-men" did not get what they wanted and rather than accept the answer given them by a jury of 12 citizens who heard eye-witness testimony from 50 people (6 witnesses who were black said Mike Brown charged at the police and did not stop coming at him until he was shot dead). These "boy-men" had an adult-sized-temper-tantrum and destroyed everything in their sight with arson and looting.The broken toys:
The businesses in Ferguson that employ the people of Ferguson and the city vehicles burned by the protesters.The mother:
Represents the politicians (Republicans AND Democrats) that will seek to sooth the rioters anger with "new toys" in the form of buildings, parks and maybe a new school or town hall. They will call for endless committees and conferences (mostly in Vegas) to discuss white-on-black crime even though most crime in their are is black-on-black. Main street will be renamed Michael-Brown-Avenue and schools will have an additional holiday added to their list of days off.The father:
Represents the private-sector business-owners and taxpayers. They are stuck with the bill for all the new toys that need to be bought. Their employment and property taxes will go up to fix the buildings and pay for all kinds of social programs. Their insurance premiums will go up. Their labor costs will go up (minimum wage hikes). They will pay for security services to protect their properties from future assaults. They will restock their shelves with new merchandise to replace the looted items they lost and fix the broken windows and burned down walls. They like the father will have their anger burn quietly inside them as to open their mouths would be unleash more pain and suffering from the mother who can make their lives a living hell.I know that all parables fail at some point. I know that not everyone who rioted in Ferguson was FROM Ferguson and that many came from other cities just to have a "good time" at others expense. I know many in Ferguson stayed home on that night, but as the famous anti-Hitler German Pastor Bonhoeffer said, "Not to speak is to speak, Not to act is to act" and so those who stayed home rather than than stand up to the protesters and protect their homes and businesses are just as guilty as those who showed up to create havoc. When we let those with evil intents to outnumber the good people we deserve what we get.
This is the hidden danger when we see our government swoop in to "save the day". Whether its a man-made disaster like a riot or a natural-disaster like a hurricane or flood, government patching it all up after its done to make it all "good again" only encourages others to not be responsible. I think people begin to expect the government to fix it all up at no cost to us so we in turn do nothing to protect ourselves to make sure it never happens again. Like people who continue to build their houses on Florida beaches and in flood areas by major rivers, so also people of riot torn areas learn nothing and become less willing to stop the next riot from occurring as they know the riot will be followed by more government funding and loans.
How do you think the people of Ferguson would have reacted if they knew that no one was going to come to their aid after the riots? Maybe Ferguson should be left in tatters as a reminder to everyone that this is the price of rioting and looting. Like the broken toys strewn around the boy's bedroom all broken and smashed, the burned businesses and police cars will be a constant reminder to the people that there is a price to pay for bad behavior and maybe the next city faced with the same angry mobs will do more than just stay home and let evil have its way.
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