Karl Marx once referred to religion as "the opiate of the masses" because to him it placated the people to not rise up in violent revolution which is why he advocated for the removal of religion from the world and the adherence to atheism. In some ways, Marx was right but even a broken clock is right twice a day and so he is as well. He is correct that Christianity in particular calls for us to pray for our leaders, respect those in authority, and love those who persecute us. These ideas are very anti-violent-revolutionary and run completely counter to those who advocate such behaviors. Secondly its followers have hope in a better world yet to come and know this world will always be a far cry from our future one. Thirdly, we believe God is ultimately in control and will have the final say in what happens on this earth and no one ever really gets away with murder. Because of these ideals and principles, it's hard to stir people up into a frenzy when they see that no matter what you promise to do to reform their current situation it will never ever be perfect.

However it's not completely impossible to rally the Christians to revolt. First, your cause must first be seen as
just and second it must be
the only card left to play. Take for example our own revolution in 1776. The leaders of this revolution were pious and very religious yet they came to the conclusion nothing else could be done. But because of their faith, they did not rush into revolution or war. They sought other means for many months and years. They wrote countless letters of opposition to the King to seek compromise yet time and time again they only saw the British increase their clamp on their throats. Some tried to use violence to push the Colonists into war but these methods were short-lived. Take for example the so-called "Boston Massacre" in 1770 in which 5 people were killed in the fight when an unruly crowd (some drunk) ran into a group of British soldiers. While many tried to capitalize on this event, others used reason to see their way through it. One such person was none other than John Adams (our future 3rd president) who, as a trained lawyer, represented the British soldiers in court. Even his own wife Abigail pleaded with him to not take the case as it was a lose-lose proposition. If he won the soldiers their freedom he might be ostracized by the people of Boston and never have another case to take. If he lost the case and the soldiers were hanged, he would have the king and his army to deal with. Yet he decided to take the case anyway and was able to get them acquitted because the call to "fire" came from the crowd and not from regiment leader (as witnessed by a person in the crowd). Justice was served and the flames of revolution were squelched for the time being.

Today is no different. We see people trying desperately to use the Mike Brown case as a cause for their own revolution. They stand with their hands up saying "Don't Shoot" after which they loot and burn local businesses. To them, Mike Brown is the new Boston Massacre and hate mongers like Rev. Al Sharpton inflame their hatred of the police and people who don't stand with them (I guess Jesus words of "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" never made into the Al's Bible reading list). Like the Boston Massacre justice was sought. A grand jury was convened and after 50 eye-witnesses (many of them black) and even testimony by the police officer who was allowed to be questioned for over 4 hours (also note, grand juries do NOT have defense attorney's present.. only prosecuting attorneys) a ruling of non-acquittal was reached which meant the jurors did not feel a crime had been committed by police officer because:
- Mike Brown performed a strong arm robbery and the police officer received this account when he detained Mike Brown for walking in the middle of a busy street.
- Mike Brown initiated the attack by punching the officer through his open window
- Mike Brown tried to shoot the officer with his own gun (autopsy confirmed with shot to his hand at a very close range)
- Mike Brown was shot ONLY from the front (and not from the back)
- Mike Brown was fatally shot in the head with the bullet entering the top of his head as he was leaning towards the office when he rushed him.
- No witness testified that Mike Brown was ever on his knees with his hands up saying "Don't Shoot"
While I am sure there were many in Boston who were angry at John Adams for getting the British soldiers "off the hook"; they ,as a mostly christian nation, did not retaliate with burning Boston or British barracks. Instead, they allowed justice to be served by the courts. Could the courts have been wrong? Of course they can. No system invented by man is perfect. Mistakes will be made and good people will sometimes be sent to jail and bad people released to the streets. However, we entrust real justice to be delivered by a just God when that time comes and so we leave it to him even if we think our system has failed.
The best example of this in the Bible I can think of is the story of David and King Saul. Saul was hunting down David because many people loved David and Saul saw him as a threat to his throne. While hunting David down, Saul went into a cave to relieve himself not knowing David was in the cave as well. Some of his followers wanted David to kill Saul right there in the cave while he was unprotected. Instead, David took Saul's cloak and cut a large piece off of it and later yelled at Saul from on top of hill showing Saul that he had the chance to kill him but he did not and he wanted peace with Saul and not war. The reason David did not take Saul's life was because, to him, Saul was still God's anointed king and he was going to leave it to God when Saul would be replaced rather than usurp it himself. Now imagine that for a second! Here is a person, with a large following of men wanting him to be the king, who has the opportunity of a lifetime to kill the current king and thus allow himself to ascend to the throne. Yet, he holds himself back because murder is not the right way to gain power. He respects the kings position and God who has placed him there.
I fear that as we lose these basic principles and more people equate JUSTICE with REVENGE we will reach a tipping point where the clear-headed will be overruled by the ignorant, hate-filled crowds and those who manipulate them for their own purpose and want to take power by force.