I love a good laugh as well as the next guy (often my wife and kids make fun of my laugh when I get going... too loud I guess). Comedians for ages have made fun of their leaders and I think for the most part that is good. Even in the first century, Rome joked about their emperors. Take for example of all people: Nero. He fell in love with one of his male servants so much so, he had the lad castrated and then performed a mock marriage ceremony between himself and the servant. The joke around Rome after this was: "Too bad Nero did not have mother like this" (meaning Nero would never have been born).

The late great Johnny Carson took mocking leaders to a whole new level. His late night monologue was heard by millions of people and it was said that when Johnny mocked you in his monologue, your career as a politician was probably over (or at least on its way out). This was no better shown than when Johnny mocked then President Nixon's Watergate scandal. It was only a few days later that Nixon was resigning from the office.
Where I draw the line, however, is when comedians use their comedy to make light of issues that are not light at all. Having people laugh at the demise of other people who are trying to stay alive is not funny at all. Recently Stewart used his show to paint the Israeli's as being unfair in their treatment of Gaza. Making Israel look unfair that they can protect their people with their "iron dome" and Gaza cannot, even though Hamas in Gaza is launching rockets constantly at Israel and using schools and hospitals as human shields to protect their rocket launching facilities. As the Prime Minister of Israel put it:
"Israel uses rockets (iron dome) to protect its citizens while Hamas uses citizens to protect its rockets".
By making people laugh at these attacks, Jon Stewart and others like him create an illusion where

everything (including relentless bombing of Israel by Hamas) is a joke and no one is being hurt or killed in the process. His viewers are thereby lulled into not seeing the real seriousness of the problem. If Stewart lived in 1938, would he be making light of Kritallnacht ("Night of Broken Glass") when the Germans forced the Jews out of their homes and businesses into slums? Would he joke that Jewish window repair people became overnight millionaires?? Would he joke that the Jews were in the process of selling back their new homes in the slums for more than they were bought for?

Sadly, we have become a society where it seems that nothing is serious anymore and our young people are so misinformed. Many of our young people treat shows like Colbert and Stewart's as semi-news shows in which the news anchor presents the days issues in a light hearted format that is easy for their sensitive and drug-infused brains to assimilate. Sort of like when a mother bird regurgitates its stomach contents into the baby birds mouth so he can more easily digest it so also Stewart and Colbert take very serious subjects and dumb them down for their audience to receive. To see this, you only need to watch on-line videos of young people being questioned on our college campuses about our world's events and see that many have no clue what-so-ever on what is going on around them. Many of these young people will say with pride that they get their news from watching Jon Stewart on Comedy Central.
To them the world is a joke and their audiences laugh as the world burns.
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