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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Sometimes you have to let death come

   My father was a wonderful man.  The son of a Lutheran pastor he grew up during the depression in a small town in Illinois.  He entered the Air Force  in order to attain a college education.  He taught himself how to play the organ and became a elementary Lutheran school teacher.  He taught everything from single grades to one-room school houses.  In 1989 my mom passed away and shortly afterward, my father retired from teaching after 32 years he fulfilled a life-long passion of becoming a Lutheran pastor and preached for 8 years. 

    Then he developed Alzheimer's and slowly over a few short years he became a shadow of his former self.   Our family tried everything they could to get him care at home but it was too much and we put him in a care home that specialized in Alzheimer's patients.   They worked with him as much as they could but still the disease progressed.  Eventually he forgot how to even swallow and it was this problem that was what took his life.   He was eating some jello and it went down the wrong way.  The nurse sent for help but it took longer than expected to help him and he passed away.

     The United States is like my father riddled with Alzheimer's in that it is a shadow of its former self.   America has forgotten who they are and what they stood for in the 19th and 20th century.   The parasites have embedded themselves deep in its flesh convinced that what they are doing will create a better more "equatable" country and they will not let go until the host is dead.

    Death may be the only answer left.  Maybe our problems as a nation will not end until the radicals have their way and our country lives out their warped fantasy of a Socialist America.  Maybe after a 100 years the people will rise up again and learn that liberty does not come without bloodshed.  Maybe our children and grandchildren will need to suffer under the oppression of Socialism/Communism for them to be re-animated and America to come back to life.

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