"The capitalist will sell you the rope you intend to hang him with"

I remember when the term "politically correct" (PC) first came out. At first it was used by people on the left from college campuses and we were taught that it was just about us policing our speech to be more tolerant for others. Black was replaced with African-American. Chinese was replaced with Asian-American. Alternative-Lifestyle replaced words like gay, queer or homosexual. For the most part we bought into the new terminology and accepted it as fashionable or accepting of others (although I was always confused why "white" never was given a PC term and continues to be used today).
But the march of the PC police did not simply stop with our terminology. Today the left hunts down those with politically "incorrect" views and ideas regardless of whether those views are of any concern. By using the capitalist system, they have managed to do what they were never able to do through the power of the government: instill fear into the American mind. Communists for years tried to use government to squelch speech and thought, but were stymied by our 1st Amendment rights which guarantee these freedoms to its citizens. So they turned to the "free market" system to do their dirty work by taking the freedom out of the free market and like the phrase says, the capitalists have been more than will to "sell them the rope".

Putting Profit Over Principle
In each of the above cases, a corporation fearing a loss of revenues (no matter how small) is willing to trample on a persons freedom of thought and expression (even if that expressions was thought to be private). But these knee-jerk decisions are shortsighted. Like the capitalist selling the rope to the hangman, eventually his willingness to sell off freedom will come back and kill him. Recently a conference took place in Madison Wisconsin, called the White Privilege Conference in which teachers, administrators and high school students were indoctrinated for 3 days on the idea that "racism drives everything in our country" and that "capitalism == racism". Hidden video has been leaked out from the conference showing some of the most vile and hateful statements on race I have ever heard. In my opinion, the PC police will not stop until they control everything in this country. Will organizers boycott any company that does not have a black (or at least non-white, non-heterosexual, non-christian) CEO at their helm? What about their board of directors? How many of them are white or non-white? Have they given money to "racist parties" (sarcasm added) like the GOP? Are they racist if they believe in small government and low taxes?
Maybe you consider me to be an alarmist, but many also sneered and mocked the PC movement in the 90's and now lament as to where it has gotten us. If the "White Privilege Movement" takes root in our country like the PC movement we will see our country slide into the same racial hatred that Nazi Germany experienced in the 1930's. To me, the White Privilege Movement is not much dissimilar than the Aryan Movement used to by Hitler to rouse hatred of the disenfranchised in his country. Hitler used this hatred to put him into power and once in power he no longer needed these people and had many of them murdered in "The Night of Long Knives".
Finally, this "racial-bullying" will not end until the companies wake up to what is happening and see that the noose is tightening around them and they stand up to these PC bullies for the rights of their employees to believe and speak what they believe. Until they do that the PC bullies will only get more extreme and more demanding until free speech is a faint thing of the past.
Otherwise company execs, the only question left for you is this:
"Do you want your noose made of nylon or hemp rope?"
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