States for his routine called "You might be a redneck" in which poses a series of "IF you _______ then you might be a redneck". For example, he once said, "If your senior prom had on-sight day-care.... you might be a redneck". Or another time he said, "If the directions to your house includes the words 'now get off paved road' you might be a redneck.
Having grown up in Southern Illinois (we refer to ourselves that way to say "we don't want anything to do with Chicago") I could relate to that humor as I could recall people I went to school with that resembled those descriptions. Sometimes I even saw some of those descriptions in myself and would say, "Oh yeah, I guess I am a redneck too!".
That is true in many other circumstances also. Sometimes we don't recognize who we really are until someone holds up a mirror to our face and we say "Oh yeah, that's me too!" Take for example political affiliations. We grow up with a certain set of political ideals but as we grow up and the world changes around us we don't see that we don't fit those affiliations anymore, yet we continue to support them with our money and our votes. Many for example will say they are democrat, but when asked if they support the President sending troops without Congressional approval or IRS mistreating groups because they are from another political persuasion or the use of drones to kill American citizens abroad and most likely they will give you a emphatic "NO!"
Personally, I refer to myself now as a "recovering republican" as much I see in the republican party I no longer agree with. Ronald Reagan left the democrat party as they no longer espoused the same views as he had and they went their separate ways. I too, also feel that way about the GOP as I do not agree with the "Patriot Act", or "No Child Left Behind", or "Common Core" or "being the worlds police force". It has taken several years of soul searching to come to this conclusion. Some will call me a "Loser-terian" (Michael Medved on the radio does this) claiming libertarians can't win. But I say "So What!". To me, the GOP needs to be reformed. Like Martin Luther tried to do with the Catholic Church in the 1500's so also we need try to reform the GOP. It's not enough to vote GOP just to win some elections so we can ease up on the gas a little as America is driving off the edge of a fiscal cliff. We need to put people in who are willing to slam on the brakes and turn the car around.
Maybe you are like me... a libertarian. Take the following quiz to see if you are
1) IF you believe the government has no business in what we do in privacy of our homes (marriage,
recreation, education).... You might be a libertarian
2) IF you believe that schools should be accountable to parents and not bureaucrats....
You might be a libertarian
3) IF you believe taxes should be as easy as paying you electric bill.....You might be a libertarian
4) IF you believe that the private sector does everything more efficiently and cost-effectively than the
public-sector.... You might be a libertarian
5) IF you believe your government should obtain a specific search warrant for your electronic information
such as email and phones.... You might be a libertarian
6) IF you believe government should never trample on ones freedom of belief or conscience....
You might be a libertarian
7) IF you believe that your party (R or D) does not stand for the individual anymore but only for corporate
lobbyists .... You might be a libertarian
8) IF you believe ALL people (white,black,red,yellow..) should be treated 100% the same and without
favoritism ....You might be a libertarian
9) IF you believe that the use of military/government drones should be never used within the borders of the
United States..... You might be a libertarian
10) IF you believe that a US citizen should never be killed by drone (Obama has killed 4) but should be
arrested and given their day in court.... You might be a libertarian
Of course you might not agree with ALL of them, but I think if you kind yourself saying YES to at least 5 of them, it's probably a pretty good bet that your are indeed ....
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