Recently when I was driving down I-80 in California I saw a billboard that asked:
"Are you good without God?"
Immediately I began to ask myself, "Can you?". On the surface it seems plausible as we do see plenty of charitable people who are openly non-religious. Ted Turner once gave the UN one billion dollars to help remove landmines from countries recovering from war. Certainly that is a noble cause and no one compelled him to do it (as least that we know of) and he has often declared himself to be atheist. but let's dig a little deeper into that claim, "I can be GOOD without God". Just what is GOOD? Jesus was once approach by a rich man who said "Good Teacher what must I do to inherit the kingdom?" and Jesus replied "Why do you call be GOOD, when there is only ONE who is GOOD and that is God". To define good, you need a reference to compare to is what Jesus is saying. You can't know what is black unless you compare it to what is white. You can't tell what is a lie unless you have the truth to compare it to.

Some would say it would determined by society and those around me rather than an ancient religious teaching. To some degree that can be true. Japanese culture for example puts extreme social pressure on its people to as to how to take care of their families and behave in society. But can this be a false or misleading measuring device? Take for example Nazi
Germany. Here a whole country was lead down a path of eugenics and committed nationwide genocide on other citizens illustrating how "good" can be so horribly modified over time to be so destructive. First they determined that they could not afford to take care of the mentally or physically handicapped and buses would pull up to hospitals with "special medical staff" to help end these patients lives. Posters were made asking Germans if its right to spend so much money on people who will never be able to take care of themselves. After a while they decided that the terminally sick and those with genetic diseases were to be euthanized to save society the pain of providing for them. From there it was not hard to convince that certain ethnic groups were weaker and damaging to their race and complete eradication was in order.
Ask yourself:
"What if Darwinism was the first religion"?
"How would our world look today under Darwinism?"

Would we have anything remotely resembling the 10 commandments? Probably not. Of course the first 3 would be out because they deal directly with "God" (although I might suppose they would have some rules regarding discussion of other ideas as being unsavory or wrong-minded). What about the 5th commandment? Thou shalt not kill? Under Darwinism, survival of the fittest, this concept is counter productive. After all, if another person is too "weak" to defend themselves then they should be eliminated and improve the gene pool. Protecting the weak from elimination is foolish in their sight. Then there's the 6th commandment: "Thou shall not commit adultery". Doesn't this create a conflict with the main tenant of Darwinism to create as many of your offspring to dominate a region? Isn't it in my best interest to have as many wives as possible? Heck, why even have wives at all? That just slows down the whole procreating process altogether and the concept of rape would be non-existent. Then there is the 7th commandment: "Thou shall not steal". This too would be counterproductive in Darwinism for the same reason as the 5th. The stronger should be able to maintain their possessions and their food. Too illustrate, I recently watched a program on how wolves reintroduced to Wyoming are stealing food from mountain-lions and so they have to hunt more often. This is having a negative impact on their ability to reproduce (side note: it was so called well meaning environmentalists from the group 1491 that came up with this ingenious plan to bring wolves in from Canada). Here we see nature using "stealing" as a way to help "their kind" to advance. And what about the 8th commandment? Thou shall not lie. Hmmm. This too is in the same category as stealing. After all, lying is actually used by the animal kingdom in many ways. For example, the use of camouflage is a method of "lying" because it says "there's no one here waiting to pounce on you". Some animals even pretend to be other kinds of animals. For example the gopher-snake has the same colorings as a rattlesnake. Why? So they can kill other rattlesnakes. Some birds will take over a nest, lay their eggs in the nest along side the other eggs and then take off to let the other bird incubate them and feed them. When the birds get bigger, the bird that was added, kills the other birds and takes their food (isn't nature lovely!). Lying can be used advantageously by one person over another and if under Darwinism they other is to stupid or dull-minded to know the difference then too bad. And finally the 9th and 10th would be gone as well as they are about wanting what others have for yourself which goes against our human nature to provide as much food and protection for ourselves as we can gather to live as long as we can.
So there you have a world in which Darwinism is the first religion of the world. Kill who you want. Steal from whom you want. Have sex with whoever you desire. Lie and cheat as much as you want and by all means take all you desire.
What a wonderful world it would be (sarcasm added)
I hope this shows that atheism piggy-backs on other religions and claims it can do it all by itself when clearly it cannot. For if atheism was the first on the scene, we would have none of the laws that have benefited society and our world for thousands of years. (Technically atheism can never be the first on the scene, for in order to have a belief in "no god" you must first have a belief in a "god" to not believe in. In other words, atheism must always derive itself from theism and therefore come later)
Jesus once said, "The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed. Though it is small, it grows into the largest of garden plants and the birds of the air nest in its branches". For the Jew, birds are meant to symbolize evil people or non-believers and so Jesus is showing that even non-believers benefit from the Kingdom of God.
Q: So can you be good without God?
A: Not unless there is a God in the first place to tell you what GOOD IS FIRST!
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