The most common failure of all criminals is they eventually over-reach. They start small at first. Maybe stealing food from a store. This then leads to breaking into unlocked cars, followed by locked cars. Then they start stealing the cars. Later they break into houses when no one is home and then later when they are home and asleep. Eventually they get caught (or shot). Had they kept to smaller thefts they could have gone on for years and years without being noticed.
Early 1900 Progressive-ism
So too, it is with the progressives. They too start small and move onto bigger things. Some small regulations on food or tobacco. But then they move on to bigger "crimes".

For example, in 1912 the progressives passed the 16th amendment which gave them the power to tax our
incomes by promising that this would ONLY apply to the wealthy (the 1%)
and would never go above 6%. However, within a few years it soon
applied too all of us and the wealthiest were paying over 75% to the
government sighting the need to pay for our debt incurred by entering
WWI. (Can you say "suckers" ?)
In that same year they passed the 17th amendment which changed how our senators were selected. Prior to the amendment, each state legislature selected 2 senators to represent the STATE. This limited what the federal government could do to the states by using power to counter power. After the 17th amendment, the states lost all of their power as senators were no longer selected by them but instead by the people in the state. No longer able to control the government, hosts of federal regulations and federal mandates soon followed.

This ,of course, wasn't enough for them though. They soon went after the banks and in 1913 they centralized all the banks under the Federal Reserve Bank and changed our currency from money issued by the Treasury to "notes" issued by the Federal Reserve. To this very day, no audit has ever been done of the Federal Reserve and we have no idea how much we owe and to whom we owe it.
Prohibitionist dumping beer |
Later, in 1919, they rose fear among the citizens that alcohol-related crime was running a muck in the cities (newspapers and "yellow journalism" played a big part) and that something must be done about it before it destroys the country. By 1920, the 18th amendment was passed and for the next 13 years our country attempted to be a dry-country. Prohibition gave the federal government almost unlimited power in law enforcement as thousands were rounded up and imprisoned for illegal booze. Meanwhile, our lawmakers in Washington never went without as they had liquor delivered daily by a bootlegger by the name of George Cassiday.
It was this over-reach by the progressives which caused the Americans to wake up and realize who these progressives were. The over-reach caused them to not only reverse prohibition in 1933 but also to cause the Progressive Movement to go underground for many years as the term "progressive" became a bad word.
Present day Progressive-ism
Now the progressives are back again and they want to control even more. In 2008 they went after the auto-makers and bought GM to keep them "afloat" after the financial crisis. This was just the start for them. In 2010 they set their eyes on our nations healthcare system. Claiming the only way to save it was to take it over and they passed the "Affordable Healthcare Act" or ObamaCare. The 3000 page bill which no one has ever read gives the HHS (Health and Human Services) almost unlimited power over hospitals, patients and doctors. Most of the bill has really yet to be written as page after page is filled with words to the effect of "The Secretary of HHS shall write regulations that ....".
Mayor Bloomberg discussing limiting soda size |
In cities like New York, where progressives like Mayor Bloomberg have come to power, they and are limiting how much soda we drink, where people can smoke (did you know that you won't be able to smoke in an apartment building soon?), how much salt you can have and how many calories your meal can contain. Also, because he is a progressive and doesn't want to be constrained by a city constitution, he has changed the term limits of his job so he can have more than 2 terms. (Rome wasn't destroyed in a day you know!). Even liberals like Bill Maher are beginning to be sick of his constant ranting on controlling peoples choices in New York City (he has even ventured out of NYC to other cities to impose his will as well).
The Over-Reach
Melissa Harris-Perry |
But now the final over-reach by the progressives is at hand. Yesterday, liberal progressive Melissa Harris-Perry from MSNBC did a promo-ad laying claim to
YOUR children. In her view, your kids are "not your kids" but instead they belong to "the community" and the "collective". Your children (who she in another video refers to "things that eventually become humans") are just "things" you provide for society to mold and form into their own liking. You, in effect, are just a sperm and egg donor to the collective. You can see the whole video
Like the over-reach on alcohol in 1920, America will rise up and say ENOUGH! and HANDS OFF MY CHILDREN! While education is important, this notion that we own everyone's child is completely off the rails and most people will see this as wrong minded and ridiculous.
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