While our attention is focused on what is happening in Washington DC (inauguration, debt debates, scandals, speeches, etc..) others are working at a much much lower level in our country. Recently it came to my attention that back in 1991 our country, thanks to George H Bush, signed on with the UN and their Agenda 21 (21st agenda) program. While this program was never ratified by the Congress as it is not a treaty but instead a "non-binding voluntarily implemented action plan" (see Wikipedia) which seeks to establish "sustainable development". (Is this what George H Bush was talking about when he said in his inauguration, "We see the forming of a new world order" ?)
This is what is called a "bottoms up program" as it does not go through Congress down to the states, but instead works at the local level across our country. Through its attachment to the UN it is viewed as having the "power of law" when in fact it has none of it. It is socialism on a world-wide scale, but its implementation is in our own communities.
This brings me to my discussion of Achilles Heel. According to the myth, Achilles mother Thetis, dips him in the river Styx (which separates the living world from the under-world) making him immortal in all places except of course, his heel. Achilles goes on to be a great warrior and invincible in battle, until the battle of Troy where he is shot by Paris with an arrow in the heel and kills him.
The moral of the story is that we are only as strong as our weakest point just as a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. For our country, our weakest point is not a single point but instead many single points spread over our country in the form of local boards. These local boards dictate to us what we can build, where we can build, how we build and for whom we build. The people on these boards are often voted into office with only a few votes being cast in our elections as they are largely ignored by us. Yet these officials can and will have the most visible impact on our local families and lives.
Armed with fancy brochures from "planners" who have been trained by people connected with Agenda 21, they will push for things like "smart growth", and "sustainable development". They will say that growth must take into account the needs of future generations (so we are supposed to have crystal balls to help us determine what those needs are?). They will gather communities together in small groups to gain "consensus" saying "what do you think about our plans for your community?". But they are not interested in your input. No one will be taking notes. There will be no follow up or modifications of their plans. Your attendance is all that is needed, for by doing so they can claim that you gave them your "OK" and they have your consensus to go ahead with what they had planned already.
Does this sound too much like "Conspiracy Theory"? It's not. I urge you to go to the following links:
Also, please check out the follow YouTube video from a Democrat who is trying to get the word out on this. (Its over an hour long... but very well worth the time)
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