I have patiently watched various shows with their hosts (ahem, Piers Morgan) with their holier-than-thou and smarter-than-thou comments about our 2nd amendment rights. The question they so often ask is "Why would anyone need a gun that can shoot 6 rounds a second?". My eyes bleed as I watch uninformed "gun experts" answer their questions with such meekness and uncertainty (uh, well, you see, uh, these guns are ..uh ...)
Let me answer you Mr. Morgan.
First of ALL AUTOMATIC weapons are ILLEGAL already in this country. Guns such as the AR-15 are only manufactured as "SEMI-AUTOMATIC" weapons. For the uninformed person, this means that the gun only fires 1 bullet for every time you pull the trigger. The killer at Sandy-Hook was using such a gun.
To make all semi-automatic weapons illegal would be to make practically all hunting rifles today illegal as well. The only difference between the AR-15 and these guns is, bullet size and style of gun. My 30-06 Remington is a semi-automatic and has a higher bullet velocity than the AR-15. So are we going to make my gun illegal as well? What criteria are you going to use to determine whether a semi-automatic will be used for hunting or not? Are we going to judge a book by its cover? What if we took the AR-15 and made it look more like a hunting rifle? Would you be okay with that?
Secondly, the reason why I as an American citizen would "ever need one" is simple. Because under certain circumstances the people we employ to protect us, CAN'T! Look at Katrina in New Orleans and you see massive looting by people and no police to protect them. Look at the Rodney King riots in LA, and you see people standing on the roofs of their businesses, with semi-automatic weapons protecting their livelihoods. You live in a fantasy land thinking that such occurrences can't happen, when in fact they do happen and when that day comes, we need as citizens the BEST weapon to protect ourselves and our families, AND THAT IS THE AR-15! No other weapon is outfitted to better protect my family than this gun. (BTW - how the gun looks is important as well as how it performs. Its image means business and deadly force)
Finally, Mr. Morgan, while I do not own such a weapon, it is my right as a citizen to be protected by the best weapon possible. I, as a honorable and law-abiding citizen, can be trusted with the decision to have it in my possession if I so choose. Maybe YOU don't trust people like me but that does not give you the right to make that decision. Do we limit ourselves to what a few paranoid individuals feel safe with? No! If we did, no one would drive, fly or even ride a bicycle for that matter. 19 men killed over 3000 people with 4 jets. Did we ban jet airplanes because some deranged individuals can take possession of one and kill thousands of people with it? No. Last I saw, millions of people still choose to fly every day.
Mr. Morgan, you live in a fantasy world (it's a disease of liberalism) if you think that banning one style of gun will suddenly make all life safe in this world. People like this killer will find other ways to carry out their evil intents. However, people like you will not be held accountable for your promises of a utopian world (by relinquishing our basic rights to self-defense) do not come true.
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