As I was writing the previous article about slave-voters, I thought of the story in the Bible where in Exodus the Jews who had been led out of Egypt where tired of eating the same food and drinking the same water that God had provided for them. Many started to lament that things where "better" back in good old Egypt. They remember the "cucumbers they would eat" and so some were proposing they turn around and head back.
Really? Things were better when they were slaves?
Let's re-count what happened when they were back in "good Ol' Egypt".
1) Pharaoh killed all boys under the age of 5 as his method of "population control"
2) When they complained he told them to "make bricks without straw" which as almost an impossible
task and forced them to gather their own straw.
3) They were not allowed to leave and worship their God in a way that they wanted to.
Moses came and gave them freedom. But with freedom comes less security and more reliance on God and each other through difficult times. Freedom can be scary, but it's not worth enslavement.
Our country was born out of a similar kind of slavery. Ruled by a country and a nobility thousands of miles away that had little care or concern for their well-being, they were "subjects" and not "citizens". England could levy any taxes or regulations on them without their input or consent. They constantly interfered with their colonial government and courts. They showed no respect for their property rights or their ideas. Because of this treatment our country fought back against the most powerful military on earth and WON!.
Now over 236 years later we, like the children of Israel, are lamenting the trials and tribulations of freedom. We fear much around us. We wonder were will my next job be? Who will put my kids through school? Will I be able to retire at 65? Some are capitalizing on that fear (Rahm Emmanuel said "We should never let a good crisis go to waste") are calling for us to relinquish our freedoms in return for security. Give up the free market and allow the government, which can print as much money as they like, to take over large parts of our economy. Take over health-care. Take over the mortgage industry. Take over education. Take over the pharmacies. Take over the auto industry.
The cry during the American Revolution was "Give me liberty of give me death!" but now some cry "Give me security or nothing at all!"
But it is not security that they are selling to you but instead slavery. For when all is said and done, the only ones who will have SECURITY are those who are in power. THEY will sleep well at night knowing you are under their control once again as SLAVES!
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