For thousands of years words were thought to have magical powers. Magicians for example would use the words "Abra-Cadabra!" before pulling a rabbit out of a hat or doves flying out of handkerchiefs. Witches would use mysterious poetry to cast spells and hexes on people.
Words do have a lot of power. The written word is still one of the most influential tools we have today. While modern videos have the ability to communicate ideas as well , as does audio presentations, there is still something compelling about reading the words off a page. Maybe because its been around longer than the other mediums or maybe just because it requires more mental facilities to accomplish that it has a longer lasting and more deep impression on us. (It is because of this I still prefer to write my ideas out rather than create video-blogs). The written medium has another advantage over the other mediums. That advantage is hearing the words written in our own voice and not in mine. Right now, as you read this blog, you are "hearing" this blog in your head in your own voice as if you were the one speaking it. This makes the written word even more personal as these words of mine become your words too.
God's word has even more power. His word can give life and it can take it away (he created it). In Genesis God says "Let there be..." and there it is in all its glory. Jews have always held that God's "word" is one part of God (while is Spirit and Creative force are distinctly different). This is why John in his Gospel writes "the word became flesh and dwelt among us full of grace and truth". Jesus is that Word of God.
When Jesus calls his disciples he simply says, "Follow me!" and they follow. This is not to say they had no choice in the matter (they did). They could decide to not follow Jesus, but they could not decide TO follow Jesus. His word makes things happen. When Jesus cleanses the 10 lepers he simply says, "Be clean" and they are clean. When the storm threatens to drown them in the boat Jesus simply says "Be still" and it happens. When he calls Lazarus from the grave he says, "Lazarus come out!". No fancy poetry. No Abra-Cadabra. Just commands.
When Jesus is later asked to heal the synagogue rule's daughter, he comes to the house to find she is already dead. When he goes into the room he speaks to the girl in Aramaic "Talitha Koum!" (which means 'little girl arise'). Why did Jesus choose to use Aramaic rather than Hebrew? I think it is to show the disciples that there is nothing special or magical about Hebrew. He shows them that his words are powerful no matter what language they are spoken in. This may have been as a teachable moment to Jairus as well,. As Jairus was the local synagogue ruler, he would be well versed in Hebrew and possibly think that there is something special about his people's historical language.
When the Bible is translated to another language it has as much power to save and transform as it did when it was first penned in Hebrew and Greek. It doesn’t matter if it’s German, French, Spanish, Russian or Chinese, Gods’s spirit can touch the souls of those who read it The medium is not important. The source is what is important.
When Martin Luther initiated the Reformation in 1520, he would later go on to translate the Bible from Latin into the language of the people , German He did so because he believed God’s word should be read by everyone and not just priests Many of his day felt that this was heresy as God can only speak in Latin Later, Lutherans moving to the US were hesitant to leave behind their German language and heritage but were forced by WWII to adopt their new country’s main language They too may have been caught up in the notion that German is somehow more holy than English too
We must not let the medium be the message in the church we must always keep the Gospel as the message and not worry about how God chooses to communicate it it may be online It may be an iPhone Bible app It might even be a rap song
God’s word is powerful in any language!