Don't blame me... I didn't vote for this
Don't blame me... I was on vacation at the time
Don't blame me... that happened before I started working here
etc. etc. etc.
As a white person, I often feel too that I am blamed for all it wrong. For example, recently I watched a video of a black man yelling saying its the white peoples fault that they were brought here. When I saw this, my first reaction was... Don't blame me.. MY ancestors came from Germany in 1870-1880 and we had nothing to do with slavery at all.
But this brings up an interesting thought. How many white people currently here had ANY connection to slavery? Millions upon millions came here in the late 1800's from Europe and had no say in what happened. Should we lump them into the same pot as the people back in the 1700's and early 1800's who did? Is that fair to them?
Why is it okay for blacks to make derogatory statements against an entire race (actually skin color) and no one calls them on it? To me, it's akin to saying "All blacks are lazy" when in fact they are not. If it's wrong for a white person to say something like that ... then it should be equally wrong for a black to say that about a white.
This is also why those who believe in "reparations" are so wrong-minded. Do you impose a "white tax" and distribute that money to a blacks with slave heritage? If so, why should I be taxed for something I literally had no business with? And who should get the money? What if your like President Obama who is half-black and half-white. Does he pay the tax AND get refund or does he only get a refund? What if you are black, but your family moved here from Africa AFTER slavery ended? Do you have to supply an ancestry document proving your heritage?
When does it end?
- With this generation?
- With the next generation?
- Never?
We need to all just put race behind us... both white AND black. It doesn't serve any purpose anymore.